Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Peri’s POV

I never knew I could cry so much. I cried and cried and cried till my eyes got puffy and red and till my voice was shaky.

Why am I the one crying when this was my fault? I brought this upon myself I went to the creek and continued crying.

I buried my head in my hands. “What’s the matter?” Eli asks coming out of the tent we found.

“We broke up, I guess you can’t break up with someone you weren't with” I say my voice weak.

“Oh.. I’m sorry” She says unsure of what to say.

“No your not. You wanted this to happen” I tell her.

“Yeah, you’re right" she tells me and I look away.

"I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry I thought you'd get over him in like two minutes.." she says.

"I guess you were wrong. But it doesn’t matter, I’m not weak. I’m going to get this quest done. With. Or without Leo."  I say suddenly strong. I expect Eli to think I’m stupid but she gives me a warm smile. “That’s the Peri I know.”

“Now what’s the plan?” I ask.

“Well, ever since we met Leo, we’ve been off track..”

“What do you mean?”

“We’re further away from Portland than ever. We won’t be able to get there on time on land. We’ll have to go by sea..”

"We don't have a boat remember?" I shake my head.

"Dad will help us” She says.

A little later..

Eli’s POV

When we all got back into the tent I could tell Peri wanted to be as far away from Leo as possible, Her eyes were still red and puffy and her voice was still weak.

Apparently Michael also  saw the difference.

“What's up with them?”He asks,  I just stared at him, he couldn't possibly care, hes just being polite I tell my self.

“I dont know.” I shrug lying .

“So tell ‘him’ the plan and get it over with.” Peri says her voice almost a whisper.

“Okay, so I met one of our sisters at Camp Half Blood and she said on her first quest our dad  gave her a world war 2 ship!” I start.

“So hopefully Dad will give us a boat too.. no promises though…”I finish.

“Great plan, so your temperamental hot head of a dad miggghhht give you a boat, and you’re basing all of this over what some stranger said. ” Leo tells us.

“At least we thought of something! And you shouldn’t even be on this quest! You followed us when we told you not to!” I scream suddenly angry. I may think my sister is the most annoying person (aside from the stranger) on the face of this Earth but no one. And I mean no one, messes with my sister.

“Leo..” Peri says putting her hand on his shoulder.

“Shut up, and leave me alone okay?” Leo yells at her loudly. When he storms off she collapses onto the floor, and starts off with hysterical sobs.

“Its okay..” I soothe her while she continues crying. Seeing her like this breaks my heart, I don’t know exactly what happened but I know enough that it made her crawl for the guy. Usually its the other way around.

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