Chapter 5- Freedom.

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Merry Christmas.

I woke up to the sound of my cell door banging open.

I barely had time to ask, "What's going on?" Before I was being dragged out of the cell by two guards.

They threw a black robe at me.

"Put it on, traitor." One of them said.

I held up the robe for me to see it.

Oh, execution robe. But this was wrong, my execution was supposed to be next week. I rub my eyes off their sleep to look at the to be properly. Yup, executive attire.

"There's been a mistake. This isn't mine!" I said.

The guards jostled me, "Wear it, now, stop your whining."

"But my execution is-"

"The stand in to the throne has declared a secret execution. This robe is yours, bitch. It's time to say goodbye to the world."

They laughed at me, pushed me against my cell. I looked behind to see Stan looking sadly back at me through his cell.

"Goodbye, Lunia." He waved.

"No." I was in shock.

How was this happening to me? Right now? When my plans were all set and good. Someone....someone betrayed me.

I looked at the other cell...Stavros was sleeping under his blanket but smelling the air for his scent revealed that the blanket only had faint traces of him....

"Thats right, Traitor. We put one of our own here to spy on you. Heh." They began laughing at me again.

Tears welled in my eyes.

My freedom was so close...and still the world turns back on its axis, giving me my share of bad luck again.

Suddenly, I'm tired of everything that's happening.

The spell...It had to be said on a full moon night but now there is no chance for my escape. Now...There is only death.

I put on the robe, silently. Tears streamed down my face, all the fight in me had given up, I felt so weak, I felt like I was growing haggard and old in those few moments.

The guards were silent as if they sensed a change. They then put their armoured hands on my shoulders and led me towards the stairs.

"Goodbye, Lunia." Stan called out.

"I'll miss you." His parting words made more tears rush out.

I held my sobs inside refusing to let my pain pour out, keeping it in so it could hurt only me.

And as these were my last few hours...The only face I wanted I see before I die was Nikolai' that I would never see again.


Lunia stood on a raised dias in the center of the field.

Beside her was the noose of execution. She was going to be hanged in a few moments.

Dimitri examined her petite for in the black hooded robe.

"I want to see her face." He said, standing a few feet away from her, surrounded by the royal army.

The executioner, who stood holding Lunia's shoulder, nodded and revealed Lunia's face.

Dimitri was shocked to see that there were tears pouring down her face.

He expected her to fight, call accusations at him, demand that he release her.

She was, after all, raised to be a Queen. But the Lunia that stood before him was not the woman she was supposed to be, she was not the ice cold Lunia who would try to fight of her captors and kill Dimitri, or the desperate Lunia who would try to shift into her many animal forms and escape into the daylight.

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