catching fevers

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summary: Taehyung wants to catch a fever so bad, and he finds just the guy to help him.

pairing: vkook|taekook

genre: mild- smut (no sex, blowjobs)

by: melonnim on ao3,


"So, none of you can be absent unless you're dying—and that's final."

            Taehyung groans—groans loud enough for the entire council to hear. It's not that he doesn't want to go to some shitty ass team building shit—well, he really doesn't want to go—but at the same time, he wonders how exactly he became the student council president.

            "That goes especially for you—Taehyung." Their coordinator says with a glare, watching Taehyung avoid his gaze. "But you said—if I'm dying—then that's a different story, correct?"

            Jimin rolls his eyes, the vice-president nodding. "Yes, Taehyung—but you haven't had a cold since 1st grade, so I doubt you'd actually find a way to actually be in the state of dying without actually dying." He retorts. "How exactly did you win the Presidential seat?"

            Taehyung shrugs, placing his hands into his pocket. "Dunno—it must be my overflowing amount of attractiveness."

            The rest of the council sighs—with Namjoon, the treasurer, remembering the younger's speech—sup, I'm cool if you vote or not, peace awt—he shivers at the idea that most people actually fell for him at the debate. It's scary how the human mind works.

            "Anyway—" Seokjin, the student council coordinator says. "—I'll see you all on Saturday—by the way, Taehyung, that's 5 days away if you're not aware. If you plan on doing some crazy shit to let yourself be excused, then it's better you do it soon."

            Taehyung barely listens, as he's already halfway out the door, humming the lyrics to some song on the radio.

            "Should we impeach him?" Hoseok, the secretary, asks nervously as he watches the answer to the future of their school bolt out of the meeting before everyone else.


            "So—Jungkook, listen, I've formulated a strategy." Taehyung says as he throws the baseball upwards, waiting for gravity to pull it back down into his mitten. He may be the student council president, but that doesn't really give him immunity to having a roommate. "I'm going to do everything possible to get a cold by Saturday."

            When his lanky, sarcastic roommate doesn't reply, he cranes his head to 180 degrees in order to check if the younger was still alive. Jungkook was a sophomore, and Taehyung was a senior—the elder faintly remembers practically dying through the process of start-up majors—definitely not a pretty sight.

            "Jungkook?" He hums again, seeing the boy on his desk—slightly tipping over to the side as he completely lands himself on the shared carpeted floor, the elder's mouth forming an "O" shape when he hears the thud.

            And that's when Taehyung has an answer to his little dilemma.

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