take my order (cause your body like a carry out)

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summary: Jeongguk and Taehyung spend some quality alone time together during a rainy day
tags: domestic, established relationship, rimming, blowjobs, there's a cat, pwp, sub jungkook
by: uglyguk on ao3, https://archiveofourown.org/works/8820835


Rain hammering against his window is the first thing Jeongguk hears when he wakes up. The heavy droplets thudding against his window, slamming down on the glass. A dreary lull that pulls him away from his dreams.

He shifts, sheets sliding around his body as he stretches, rolling onto his side and pulling the blankets up around his cheeks. His face screws up as his eyes flutter open, squinting against the dull light shining in. The sky is gray and dark, the sun hiding somewhere behind the clouds. It's quiet in his apartment, no one else but him and the tiny cat currently making it's way towards his bedroom. He smiles at the sound of the little bell on her collar, tiny little jingles with her movements.

Jeongguk had bought her a collar after he realized she was a fan of playing hide and scare-the-hell-out-of-Jeongguk-because-he-didn't know-you-were-there. Too many a time had he been sitting on the couch at midnight watching some stupid show as he falls asleep, only to wiggle his toes and have a tiny monster, no bigger than his shoe, leap out of the attempt to mangle his foot. He got tired of receiving complaints about screams at ungodly hours.

So, yeah. Midnight is now no longer a silent killer. (Although she is still fond of chasing your legs when you move them under the blankets.)

Speak of the devil, she pushes gently at his door, slipping in through the crack and making a beeline to his bed. She leaps up next to him, crawling over his body to meow in his face. He slides an arm out of his blankets to reach out to her, rolling over as he pulls her onto his chest. She purrs happily as he pets her, settling on his chest.

He pretends he's not that much of cat person, but the sleepy fondness oozing out of his smile suggests otherwise. He doesn't even like cats that much, he'd only taken her in because his neighbor's new boyfriend was allergic and he didn't want to leave her to a bad home.

Jeongguk just thinks Seokjin is too nice and worried about the lack of friends he sees coming to Jeongguk's apartment. He wouldn't be surprised if Seokjin literally went out and bought Jeongguk a cat so he wasn't lonely.

The guy feels some kind of entitlement, he guesses. Seokjin lives down the hall from Jeongguk, always making food and giving it to his neighbors like some kind of ahjumma. He'd found out he was Jeongguk's hyung and now comes by all the time under false pretenses of seeing Midnight, but Jeongguk knows it's just to restock Jeongguk's sad single guy fridge and nag him about cleaning up. It's kind of annoying but he's grown to accept it. Seokjin is friendly and sometimes brings his boyfriend Yoongi around -whom for the record, seems to have no problem petting Midnight for someone with a cat allergy.

Although he'll never admit it, Jeongguk greatly appreciates the company. Sometimes Yoongi even hangs out with him when they aren't around Seokjin. The only other people that come around are Taehyung and Jimin and they're insufferable. Only coming to bother him and eat all his food.

Speaking of which, Jeongguk reaching his hands around him, gliding over the sheets until he finds his phone. Tugging it so the charger detaches, he presses the home button. The screen illuminates and Jeongguk mentally scoffs at the time.

10:44. AM

Even when he wants to sleep in he can't. He ignores the few notifications he has, a missed call from Yoongi and a few texts from Jimin in favor of opening up his chat with Taehyung.

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