a me for you, a you for me.

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pairing: taekook|vkook

summary: Jeongguk convinces Taehyung that he's beautiful.

tags: barebacking, body workship, body image, fluff and smut, creampie, mild mirror sex
by: rldforyou on ao3, https://archiveofourown.org/works/7547581


"Uhm." Tone unsure, voice slightly quaking.

But still, Jeongguk ignores Taehyung in favour of relaxing against the edge and gathering the bubbles from the bath he is currently in. He cradles and blows at the mini pool of white foam to his chest. Silent, waiting.

"Jeongguk~" Taehyung tries again, whine notable in his voice now but Jeongguk continues ignoring him, humming Pompeii under his breath and gathering bubbles. Bastille will always have their hold on Jeongguk, and his sluggish body, all warmed from the water moves accordingly too. But of course, there are matters to address-

"Jeongguk!" Annnnd there you go, Taehyung all petulant with whine on full fledged. So Jeongguk stops his bubble-gathering, looks up and acknowledges his fidgeting boyfriend. Taehyung's standing at outside the bathtub, the top half of his stripped bare body visible to Jeongguk over the bubbles, hands resting awkwardly in front of his bare crotch. It doesn't quite show but Jeongguk could still hear the tapping of Taehyung's feet on the tiled floor, a nervous quirk. So cute.

But yet, Taehyung is also studiously avoiding Jeongguk's eyes, despite the earlier call for attention.


"Uhm," Taehyung hem haws, worrying his lower lip. There's a beginning of a flush suffusing his cheeks and Jeongguk watches amusedly as the flush travels down the column of Taehyung's neck to his tanned, smooth chest. Taehyung's eyes are droopy, and his tongue now pokes out to soothe at his slightly swollen lips. It's quite adorable, really, to see his generally obnoxious yapping noise machine of a boyfriend being a shy tittering mess.

But it is not like Jeongguk doesn't know why Taehyung's acting like this, so he just lowers his voice into a gentle whisper, "It's okay, Taehyung. You know I like you the way you are." Taehyung peeks at him, flustered. "Quick, the water's cooling."

"You are just saying that because I'm your boyfriend." Taehyung grumbles, pink lips are jutted out into a pout now, but his nervousness doesn't escape Jeongguk, the pink on his cheeks gaining intensity, as he eyes Jeongguk timidly. But Jeongguk sees and understands the insecurities still and sighing - because he really has settled down comfortably - Jeongguk heaves himself up, the glaze of foamy water gleaming off down the length of his body. Immediately, Taehyung averts his eyes and splutters, "W-wait! I'm n-not sure if we are at this level of comfort-!"

Now Taehyung's just being dramatic, if the way they spend almost every night loving each other tells enough, but Jeongguk ignores it to tug Taehyung into the bathtub. Taehyung protests still, but Jeongguk pinches his side lightly in rebuke. Carefully, he then aligns Taehyung in front of him, and sits them both down into the warm water.

It's a tight fit for two grown men, but even then, it is surreal, to have Taehyung in the bath with him. They have started dating a couple months ago, and for some reason, Taehyung's incredibly cautious about sharing showers/baths, even though they do the horizontal tango every other night, but all under the safety of the dark. It is only after some awkwardness that Jeongguk figures that despite his loud exterior, Taehyung isn't all that comfortable showing his body, and least of all in front of Jeongguk, his long-time crush.

Jeongguk was all properly puzzled, because if anything, he is the one undeserving of Taehyung; beautiful, sweet, caring Taehyung, with a ready joke to cheer up the people around him, the pure kindness of a boy endearing him to people who knew him. Jeongguk is just this boy who fumbles awkwardly sometimes; he may be exceptionally good at what he does, but he could never quite have the affable, endearing nature of Taehyung.

vkook|taekook smut & one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now