the problem with kim taehyung

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summary: Taehyung finds Jeongguk hiding from him, and he has questions to ask.

tags: jealous jungkook, alcohol, club, denial of feelings, blowjobs, first time blowjobs, public bathroom, smut, drunken kissing
by: LegendsOfGalaxyDragon on ao3,


The problem with Taehyung, Jeongguk thinks, is that he's far too touchy.

Jeongguk scowls at the scene in front of him, barely noticing the strong bass pounding through the club except for the way it makes Taehyung press his hips into the girl in front of him while she eagerly moves back, Taehyung's hands tight round her waist while she holds him there. Jeongguk decides she looks desperate, pathetic. She's got too much makeup on and surely her sleek hair's annoying Taehyung when he leans in, even if it doesn't show. Her dress is skintight and shamelessly shows off her gorgeous body. Jeongguk decides she's a bitch.

He downs the remainder of his drink while still glaring at the pair, Taehyung leaning in to say something that makes her laugh and press closer, and then Taehyung looks like he's mouthing up the side of her neck and Jeongguk beckons to the bartender for another drink in the vague hope that it'll make this easier to watch.

He totally gets why she's so desperate to touch Taehyung as much as possible, be the subject of his affections so desperately. Taehyung is easily one of the most attractive guys in this club, probably in the whole town. Hell, he's one of the most attractive guys in k-pop, and Jeongguk knows that they're above average anyway. Jin's the official visual of the group, and of course he's hot, and Jeongguk respects this title by ranking Jin first every time an interviewer asks him to rate his bandmates' attractiveness. But he doesn't know how anyone with eyes and half a brain could think that Taehyung's any less attractive than Jin. It's an objective fact, Jeongguk's sure. Something to do with his beautifully soft hair and almond eyes and smooth tan skin and cute laugh and wide smile and long fingers and arms that loop so easily around you for hugs. Everyone feels like this about Taehyung, wanting his attention, but Jeongguk still resents the girl for every sultry gaze she aims at his friend.

It's unfair, really, that Taehyung had to be so touchy-feely. Jeongguk used to feel awkward with anyone touching him or holding him, but then Taehyung somehow wormed his way past Jeongguk's defences with tickle attacks and back hugs and puppy eyes and creeping into his bed for midnight snuggles. And now Jeongguk's feeling all possessive over him or something? No. Of course not. He's not possessive. He just doesn't think anyone else should be allowed to touch Taehyung like that, and he's pissed that Taehyung seems to be into it.

"Hey, kid," a deep voice calls next to him, and Jeongguk jumps slightly at the greeting of Yoongi, who's just dropped into the bar stool beside him with a glass of something translucent and tinged blue cradled in his hands. Jeongguk knows that his hyung is a little grumpy at the rest of them insisting he spends the nocturnal hours (that he would be awake anyway) going out dancing and maybe getting laid instead of holed up in his studio. Not that they've actually stayed together as a whole group since about ten minutes after they arrived here. Jeongguk has seen his bandmates in the crowd a few times, but then Taehyung had caught his eye and he found himself getting progressively more annoyed at how free Taehyung was with his affections, placating himself with more glasses of drinks that had the sting of alcohol tasting far too strong against the sugary mixers.

"I'm not a kid," he replies to Yoongi automatically, dropping money on the counter and picking up the drink the bartender deposits in front of him, taking far too large a mouthful, watching the girl turn in Taehyung's arms so that they're facing each other, swaying to the music far too close.

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