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pairing: taekook|vkook
genre: fluff and smut
summary: Jeongguk keeps waking up in the night. Luckily for him, Taehyung is awake too.
by: rosiex on ao3, https://archiveofourown.org/works/10038701


It's dark when he opens his eyes. The room is quiet, the windows blocking out sound from the bustling city on the other side, the only noise being the soft, even breathing from the figure beside him. The rest of the house seems completely silent. There's the slightest hint of streetlight creeping in from where the curtains haven't been completely closed, and Jeongguk can see a slither of the city skyline too. He blinks a few times, unsure as to what's stirred him from sleep. A quick glance at the clock on the bedside table informs him that it's 2:14am.

He blearily slides his body over in the bed so that he's close to Taehyung again. Despite always rolling apart during the night, Jeongguk's become accustomed to drifting off in a tangle of limbs with the elder, the relaxing rise of and fall of Taehyung's chest lulling him into sleep. Not that he'd ever say it, but Taehyung knows, of course.

It's been this way for a long time. It started before they even debuted, Taehyung holding him, a solid and reassuring presence on those occasions when, despite the bravado, the long stretches away from home would get to Jeongguk terribly. A year or two later they were finding themselves waking up together more and more often: as the band increased in popularity, so did their exhaustion. Inevitably walks back to separate beds after tiring days seemed like far too much effort.

Now, in the years since they first progressed to something more than friends, it's become the norm to sleep wrapped up in each other, a new layer of intimacy seeping into the act. They still seek that same comfort from each other but there's something deeper, more meaningful too these days.

Taehyung's turned onto his back during his sleep. Jeongguk moves him with careful touches, making sure not to wake him as he nestles in behind. The feel of Taehyung's skin as he presses his chest tight to the elder's back is soothing and familiar. Jeongguk inhales deeply as he pushes his nose against the nape of Taehyung's neck, breathing in the familiar, warming scent. One arm gets draped over the sleeping form as Jeongguk closes his eyes, the rhythm of Taehyung's breathing soon drawing him back into slumber.

It's still dark when he next opens his eyes, and the heaviness in his limbs lets Jeongguk know immediately that it's still too early. He cranes his neck to look at the clock. 3:17am. His head drops back to the pillow; clearly sleep isn't going to come easily tonight.

It's not obvious straight away that Taehyung's breathing has become louder and less measured than before, so when a voice in the darkness speaks it startles Jeongguk a little.

"You awake?" Taehyung whispers, his voice thick with sleep.

Jeongguk would normally tease him for asking such an obvious question, but he feels far too tired, exhaustion seeping through him.

"Mmm," Jeongguk murmurs into the soft skin of his neck, and they both fall silent again.

The minutes pass yet despite his fatigue Jeongguk can't fall back to sleep. He feels Taehyung shifting every now and again, apparently still awake too. Jeongguk draws his arm back from around Taehyung's chest, instead placing it on his waist and rubbing back and forth slowly.

Even in his sleepy state he still enjoys the fact that he can touch Taehyung like this, share this closeness. That he gets to know this kind, funny and wonderful man on a deeper level than anyone else, well, that fact still makes Jeongguk's head spin. Everyone gets to see the open, easy grins that Taehyung gives each day, but only Jeongguk gets to see the soft, meaningful smiles that betray a far greater connection between them. Everyone can see how Taehyung's eyes sparkle in laughter, but only Jeongguk gets to see they way that they sometimes darken, focused only on the younger and leaving him breathless.

vkook|taekook smut & one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now