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pairing: vkook|taekook
summary: taehyung buys lingerie and wears it for jeongguk
by: ephemerite on ao3,


It's not that Taehyung doesn't notice the new shop opening up in town. Of course he notices is it, it's on his way to work and it's hard not to notice the construction workers in their yellow hats and all the banging that's coming from inside. It's just that it doesn't really seem that important to him at first. It doesn't seem important to him at all, really, until he walks past it one day, having forgotten his earphones, and realizes that there's no banging noises coming from the building anymore.

When he looks up, he's surprised he hasn't noticed what the shop was before now. The shopfront is painted sleek black and pastel pink, and in big, fluorescent letters above the entrance is a sign spelling out "Victoria's Secret". Taehyung's steps falter for a moment as he takes in the new store, the glass display case filled with colorful, lacy lingerie. Then he realises he's been staring, blushes, looks around to make sure no one has noticed, and continues on his way.

He's almost late for work as a result, and he tries all day to forget about it but for some reason it just sticks in his head. His head is filled with thoughts of how pretty the lingerie had looked on the mannequins in that display case, how soft the lace would feel against his own skin. Even more than that he thinks about what Jeongguk would do if Taehyung bought lingerie and wore it, wonders if his boyfriend would think him strange or if he would love it instead.

On the way home he lingers in front of the store again. It's late enough that the streets are mostly empty, so he doesn't feel too bad about stopping in front of the dispay and staring at it through the glass. He's not planning on going in, not really, not until he lays eyes on a mannequin right at the back of the display and – oh. The mannequin is dressed in a bra, panties and thigh highs in the prettiest deep red, and Taehyung really wants to buy them.

He paces up and down the street in front of the store for a few minutes, wanting to go in but scared the sales assistants will judge him, and finally makes up a lie about wanting to buy a present for his girlfriend before walking in. It's warm inside, and the air smells like flowery perfume. He sees a sales assistant coming towards him and tries to relax his face into a confident mask, even though he's panicking inside.

"Hi, how can I help you?" she asks, all professional and polite. She doesn't sound like she's judging him, but he can't be sure.

"I'm... looking to buy a gift for my girlfriend?" he says, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He doesn't mean for it to come out like a question, but somehow it does.

"Sure," the assistant says with a smile. She doesn't seem to have caught on to how awkward Taehyung feels. "Do you have something specific in mind?"

"Um, yeah..." Taehyung mumbles, and he can feel his face burning up, all the way to the tips of his ears. "I was thinking of that red set in the display, actually."

"No problem," she replies, "just follow me."

Taehyung follows as she leads him through the shop, through clothing racks and shelves filled with all sorts of lingerie. He feels like, if Jeongguk approves of this new kink, he will definitely be coming back here.

She stops in front of a shelf filled with the same gorgeous deep red as the set in the window.

"Do you know what size she wears?" the assistant asks. Taehyung tries not to panic, and fails.

"Um... no?" he answers. "She's kind of... tall, thin, and flat chested" he says, hoping whatever she picks out will fit him.

"Well," the assistant says, "I suggest you try this, and if it doesn't fit she can always bring it back and get a different size." She pulls a set from the shelf and hands it to Taehyung. He holds it out in front of him, eyeing the size as the assistant leads him to the checkout. It looks like it will fit him, and besides, he doesn't think he would be brave enough to bring it back and get a different size, so he'll just have to make it work.

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