talk dirty

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pairing: taekook|vkook

summary: In which Jeongguk and Taehyung enjoy an unexpected phone call.

tags: smut, phone sex, first time
by: rosiex on ao3,


"I'm not sure we should leave him on his own."

"He'll be fine. The worst of it's over."

"I'm still not sure-"

"He just needs rest now, and no offence, but he's not going to get it with you mothering him every second."

Jeongguk blearily opens an eye, looking up at the figures standing next to his bed in the far too bright room, the morning sun creeping in despite the closed curtains. Seokjin and Namjoon are debating in hushed whispers, though the noise has still managed to drag Jeongguk out of his slumber. He wishes that they would shut up and let him go back to sleep. He feels cold and clammy and utterly exhausted from the sickness that has consumed him for the last two days. The vomiting stopped last night at least, but he now feels like he just wants to sleep for the rest of the week.

"I'll be fine," he mumbles into the pillow, though the grogginess of his voice makes it unintelligible.

"What's that? Are you in pain?" Seokjin asks immediately, crouching down next to his bedside. Jeongguk would roll his eyes if the action didn't seem so terribly full of effort. It is very sweet how Seokjin has looked after him, but it's verging on overbearing. Jeongguk clears his throat and tries again.

"I said, I'm fine," he says, ignoring the unconvinced look on the older man's face. "Please hyung, go out, enjoy the day"

The day has been planned for a long time, celebrating Jimin's birthday with different activities in town. Jeongguk feels absolutely gutted that he can't be there for his friend, but he's not going to let his sickness ruin the others' fun. Seokjin glances warily at Namjoon before standing up.

"Are you sure?" Namjoon checks and Jeongguk gives a small noise of assent. He has suddenly gone very hot after feeling shivery for so long and he is craving to fall back to sleep.

"Well... okay," Seokjin eventually concedes. "We've charged up your phone and it's right here next to you. Call us if you need anything, anything at all," he adds, placing the phone next to him on the bedside table alongside a glass of water and half empty packets of tablets.

"Thank you," he murmurs, because he is grateful, really, for how much they care for him. He doesn't even get to hear the door close behind them before he's fallen back to sleep.

When his eyes next open the room is dark, the streetlights outside filtering in through a small gap in the curtains. He fumbles for his phone in the darkness, squinting as the bright screen lights up his face. 21:09. He blinks a few times, his bleary vision clearly not working properly. He can't have slept for eleven hours, could he? He stretches a little. Well, he does feel incredibly well rested and a lot brighter. His temperature seems normal right now and the weariness in his limbs has gone. He grins to himself. It's finally over.

He looks over at Namjoon's bed but it's still empty. The house is still quiet. The others must be out celebrating still. He feels a twinge of regret at missing out, especially now that he feels so much better. He's tempted to message them to ask where they are so that he can join but he can already picture Seokjin's disapproving response, telling him that he's only just recovered and should still rest. He sighs, knowing that he would probably be right. Despite all of five minutes having passed, he's starting to feel bored. Jeongguk likes his own company, but knowing he's alone when everyone else is out having fun makes being in the house seem much more dull.

vkook|taekook smut & one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now