slow it down, make it stop

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pairing: vkook|taekook
summary: Jeongguk and Taehyung have slow, sleepy sex. That's it.
tags: sleepy sex, sleepy cuddles, fluff, fluff and smut, short smut
by: callme_cutie on ao3,


"Taehyungie." Jeongguk whispered in Taehyung's ear. "Don't fall asleep yet." His hands stopped on Taehyung's back and the elder whined.

"Don't stop." He pouted, pushing his face into the pillows.

"Come on, hyung. Don't fall asleep, okay?" Jeongguk reached under the pillow next to Taehyung's head and grabbed the lotion, pouring more on his hands and warning it up between them before putting his hands back on Taehyung's back. The elder sighed happily, moaning softly.

An hour ago Jeongguk had stripped Taehyung og his shirt and forced him onto the bed, warm lotion between his hands going onto his back to work the knots from their choreography out.

"Hyung." Jeongguk whispered, testing out Taheyung's consciousness. He got a soft hum in response, making him smile. He carefully slid his fingers underneath Taehyung's sweatpants, sliding them down off of his legs. He was pleased to learn that the elder wasn't wearing underwear and he slowly let his hands travel to cup Taehyung's ass cheeks.

"Mm, Jeongguk." Taehyung mumbled, turning his head to the side with his eyes still shut. The younger smiled fondly, grabbing their lube and slicking up his fingers, warming it between his hands before spreading some over Taehyung's hole. He carefully slid the first finger in while his other hand continued to work on Taehyung's back, working out kinks and knots.

Three slow, careful fingers in and Jeongguk was starting to get sleepy himself, the steady push and pull of his fingers inside of Taehyung too hypnotising. He slowly slid them out and lubed up his cock, laying his body on top of Taehyung's and cuddling him as he slowly slipped in. Taehyung's noises were soft and sweet, barely audible even with how close they were.

Jeongguk set up a slow pace, his angle making him push up against Taehyung's prostate on each careful, steady thrust. He kept their bodies pressed together, his hips the only part of him moving as he pushed into his boyfriend. Taehyung hummed quietly, smile on his face as Jeongguk kept his pace. They didn't do it often, but it was always so great when they had the time to go slow and just work each other to orgasm.

"Hyung." Jeongguk whispered in Taehyung's ear.

"I know, Jeonggukkie." Taehyung mumbled back, eyes still shut as he felt heat pooling in his groin. "Me too."

Jeongguk sped up a fraction, pushing into Taehyung a little harder than before. The elder smiled and bit his lip as he came with a soft sigh, melting into the bed. The younger thrusted a few more times before freezing and coming inside of Taehyung.

"Mm. Jeongguk." Taehyung mumbled, lacing his fingers through Jeongguk's.

"Yeah hyung?" Jeongguk asked quietly.

"Can I sleep now?"

"You can sleep now, hyung." Jeongguk nodded, slowly pulling out of Taehyung and standing to get a washcloth to clean the sleeping elder off with.

Once he was clean Jeongguk climbed back into bed, making sure neither of them were laying in the wet spot on the sheets.

"I love you, hyung." Jeongguk whispered, kssing the top of Taehyung's head.

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