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pairing: vkook|taekook
summary: After a series of similar events where other people are taking up Taehyung's attention, Jungkook is left feeling irked and extremely jealous until Tae finally makes it up to him.
tags: jealous jungkook, taehyung has too many friends, idols, quickies, semi-public sex
by: TaeKookiefeels on ao3,


The movie is stupid. Every time they let Jin pick the movie they regret it. Jungkook would have been able to endure it easily if Tae were with him like he was supposed to be but no. Jimin wants to go get drinks and everyone else is too tired to go except for Tae. He supposes it was nice of him to go but now Jungkook is thoroughly annoyed because he and Tae were supposed to watch a movie together on his laptop and hide in their room but instead Jungkook is stuck watching a stupid movie on the big screen with Namjoon, Jin, and Hoseok. Yoongi was smart and refused to join them. Jungkook grinds his teeth and grips his phone, immediately looking at it when he feels it buzz.

From: Taehyung

We are walking back right now but we're slow XD

Jungkook bites his cheek.

To: Taehyung

Hurry up

He locks his phone and clutches it as he folds his arms over his chest and stares back up at the screen. After a few seconds he hears whispering coming from the other end of the couch but ignores it. The second time they're louder and clearly trying to get his attention.


The boy startles from the sudden volume and stares incredulously at Hoseok who holds an arm out impatiently like he has been waiting for a while.

"Pass the popcorn."

Jungkook frowns and looks around himself, just now noticing the popcorn bowl had ended up on the table to his right and he picks it up and hands it over indifferently. Not really feeling popcorn right now anyways. The screen is bright and colorful and some dude is talking to an alien who looks human and the whole thing is just dumb.

"You know," Hoseok begins to talk with his mouth full, "Namjoon, I wish you would consider an extraterrestrial concept for our next series."

The leader squints at the screen. "If I say I'll think about it, will you stop bringing it up?"

"Shh shh shh shhhhh," Jin swats his hand around at them without looking away from the scene, way too into it to spare even a glance. "This is the best part."

Jin recites the lines by memory with passion and not for the first time during the movie Hoseok looks annoyed and Namjoon is trying not to laugh.

Jungkook puts his elbow on the arm rest and his chin on his hand to support his head. He glances down at his phone and checks it just in case he missed the vibrate but there's nothing there and he sighs as he rests his eyes for a minute. He wonders where the fuck those two could possibly be and when he opens his eyes the movie is over and the popcorn is gone and so are the other three members and he's lying down on the couch with a blanket over him and a pillow and what the literal fuck, what time is it?

He finds his phone on the floor and checks the time. It's one-forty. Jungkook groans and sits up and after a moment of his head spinning he hears voices coming from his room and stands up. He attempts a straight line to the room but is half asleep and feeling very wobbly and ends up using the walls for support and stopping here and there to try to remember where the fuck his room is and his vision is still fuzzy but he manages and by the time he gets to the door, he doesn't even have the patience to knock and lets himself in, immediately squeezing his eyes shut at the assault of light.

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