Chapter 8

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I gave Frank a soft kiss, smiling as he held me in his arms.

"Daddy, I love you," I whispered.

"I know, Kitten, I love you too," he said.

I smiled, snuggling up close to him. We watched tv while I ate my snack.

"Frank!" Jamia shouted from upstairs.

Frank went upstairs and I laid down on the couch. I heard a commotion upstairs before I went upstairs to see what was happening.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Jamia is going into labor," Frank said. "Can you go grab your backpack and get into the car?"

I squealed excitedly and ran down to the kitchen to grab my bag before I went out to the car. I waited patiently before the two finally came out and we drove to Hayley's house. We went inside and they talked with the doctor for a while.

"Here, Gee, it's not time for the babies to come yet," Frank said. "Why don't you sit here on your iPad and watch Netflix? There's a bottle of milk in your bag."

Frank sat me down on the couch and I bit my lip nervously.

"Promise me you'll come back to get one it's time?" I asked. "I don't want to miss it."

"Of course I'll get you," he said. "Although she's in labor it can take a while for her to actually deliver."

I nodded my head and the two of them went downstairs with Hayley. I sat there watching Netflix for what felt like hours, watching other nurses enter the house as the yelling from downstairs grew louder.

"Gee, come on," Frank said.

I smiled and took his hand as we went down to the basement. Jamia was laying on the hospital bed, clearly in a great deal of pain.

"Alright, Jamia, you're doing great," Hayley said. "You just need to breathe."

"Baby, you go stand on Mia's other side and hold her hand, okay?" Frank asked and I nodded.

I held onto her hand and smiled.

"Alright, Jamia, you need to push now," Hayley said.

Jamia squeezed my hand and I winced slightly from how hard she was squeezing it.

"Just a little bit more," she said.

Jamia screamed, sweating covering her skin as she pushed.

"Just once more," she said. "Come on, one more big push."

Jamia cried as she pushed and then I heard a little baby crying. I gasped softly as I tried to look.

"A beautiful little boy," she said.

I smiled as Jamia relaxed against the mattress. One of the nurses went to go clean him off and I watched as everyone focused on Jamia again.

"Alright, sweetheart, you're one down, only three more to go," Hayley said.

"Oh god, it hurts," Jamia whimpered.

"I know but just a little bit more and you'll be bringing four little angels into the world," Hayley said.

Jamia nodded and started pushing again. She groaned, squeezing my hand again.

"You're almost there, sweetheart," Hayley said. "She's crowning."

Both Frank and I tried to be reassuring to help her. There was more little crying as another baby was born. I got a peek at her and smiled, she was so beautiful.

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