Chapter 1 (The dream)

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Miranda groaned , tirelessly tossing and turning as she relived the same nightmare yet again

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Miranda groaned , tirelessly tossing and turning as she relived the same nightmare yet again . Beads of sweat dribbled down her forehead , dampening the thin material of her nightgown . Her hands clenched , forehead scrunched in agony as her mind teleported her to a unsettling yet strangely familiar location .

She waited impatiently beneath closed eyelids ,as she watched the scene unfold before her . Everynight was the same . A continous replica of the night before . She would hesitantly retire to bed , a dosage of calming pills in hand as she silently crept into her capsule of doom (aka her bed) . After gulping down her prescribed medication , she would close her eyes and try to relax , willing herself to picture an infinite abyss of nothingness as she anxiously waited for the pills to work their magic.

Pills that doctors prescribed in hopes of keeping the monsters at bay . But it never worked . I'm fact , it only seemed to worsen her current predicament , leaving her mind vunerable to her dark nightmares , serving as an open portal allowing them easy access to her sub-conscious and dreams.

It angered her , knowing that she no longer had control of her thoughts , and after visiting numerous nuerologists and doctors , she finally decided to succumb to the methods of western medication ,allowing herself to embrace her nightmare as they believed her answers lay within .

Sometimes she was lucky and her nightmare only lasted for a few hours , while other times it lasted the whole night . She was sick and tired of this and wished for it to end. But you know what they say about wishes : they never come true .

Regardless of how long her dream plagued her thoughts it will always began the same . She would appear in her childhood bedroom . Hands folded in her lap as she sat near the fireplace .

Every pillow and pen rested in place mimicking her bedroom that she grew up in . Heck , it even smelled like home .

Her eyes would transfix on the flames that danced before her ,  fascinating her as they crackled . Choreoghraphing a dance that always took her breath away .

A lady would then appear. Frightening her at first as she gently plaited Mirandas red locks . Humming a song with such beauty and raw emotion that it brought tears to Mirandas eyes.

She would bask in the woman's warmth . Allowing her body to heat by the fire as tears fell from her eyes, when, abrubtly it would change . The temperature In the room would rapidly decrease. Freezing her salted tears into crystallized jewels . It was always the same but what happened thereafter was always different .

Sometimes she saw a woman . Sometimes she saw a monster but never before was it this frightening .

The atmosphere grew darker. The room seeming smaller, more confining and suffocating . Like a hand tightening against one's throat .

The flames danced vigourously . Its warm hues darkening . It's tips lengthening as it grew in size , escaping the fireplace that once held it captive . It spewed out of the mouth of the fireplace , snaking its way through the room , before coiling around a wide eyed Miranda .

It encircled her in a prison of fire , holding her captive within its flaming hot grasp.
The woman disappeared. Seeming to vanish into thin air .

Warmth pooled at Mirandas ankles , effectively drawing her attention to the nightmare that layed below . She shrieked as she discovered that she stood in an ocean of blood .

Surrounding her we're millions of dead bodies . The ending of one being the beginning of the next as they floated aimlessly around her .

Miranda paled as she gazed into their pitch black orbs . Their eyes reflecting an infinite abyss , darker than the darkest night . An endless pool of oblivion . She shuddered . Her heart beating violently against her chest , like the rhymitic gallop of a horse.

She felt foul . Disgusted . Tainted . The blood staining more than just her clothes.
The soft pitter patter of footsteps grasped her attention . From within the dense band of fire that entrapped her , emerged a woman .

She was dessed in a faded brown robe. The frayed ends , lightly kissing the mettallic ocean as she slowly inched towards her . Her stride was slow , meanacing . Slowly building tension in the darkened room as she inched even closer.

The woman removed her hood, to unveil a putrid monster . Her face was cracked , like shards of a mirror . Her eyes milky white . The repulsive woman opened her mouth and released a shrill hiss . Cords of saliva dribbled down her chin , before being swallowed by the mass of red that lay beneath.

" He is coming for you " she shrieked .

The woman smiled wickedly , revealing a set of razor fangs . She looked toward the heavens muttering incoherant words .
Miranda watched in horror as the woman melted before her eyes . Her skin sliding off of her , like buter dripping of a warm pancake.

• • • • • • • • • • • •
Miranda jolted out of bed. Sweat trickling down her flushed face . Her heart assaulting her ribcage as the dream flooded her senses.

Dmmit !. It happened again . No matter how many times she convinced herself that it was not real , she would always wake up terrified.

She made her way to the bathroom . Her body still shaken as she glanced at herself in the mirror. She looked terrible ! Dark circles coloured her pale skin . Her hair , damp from her sweat , clung to her face and her eyes looked droopy and tired . She sighed . When would this end ?

She winced in pain as she felt the skin on her chest burn .

The area of skin that surrounded her necklace was red and singed. Throbbing when she attempted to touch it .
She slowly detached the necklace from her singed skin , staring questioningly at it .

It was a sight to behold . The necklace was round in shape . Dotted with swirls of black , that merged with its golden surface. The necklace contained 7 smaller circles . Each circle lined with a specific colour .

Garnet . Sapphire. Emerald . Amber . Topaz . Amethyst and sparkling Diamond .

Within each circle lay a small crevice . A dent . Indicating that something belonged there .
Miranda stated at the seventh circle that dominated the necklace . It lay proudly in the centre . It's Amber circle filled with a jewel .

The other circles seemed to be missing their corresponding jewel , and without it, they seemed devoid . Incomplete.

Miranda remembered her mum gifting her with this necklace when she was just a babe. To be honest , miranda hated it at first glance , finding it too 'rich' for her taste , yet her mother insisted she wore it , claiming that it was a family heirloom . Passed Down from generation to generation and all that nonsense. And so Miranda complied , vowing to never remove it .

She stared at the jewel , becoming entranced . It seemed to draw her in , consuming her . Dulling her senses as the world around her bacame a blur.

She stood . Rooted to the spot . Captivated . Consumed . Entranced. The jewel glowed brighter , as if it were alive and once again she heard the words that set her fate in stone .

" He's coming for you "


Hey my fellow Griffins

So what do yourll think?

Q: What's your birthstone . ? Mine's a peridot (yep , pretty boring . And it's not even my favourite coulour!)

Will looooove to hear your thoughts . It gives me inspiration and helps me understand my fellow readers .

Do some magic and change that star orange

Love yourll more than jelly tots. !!

Until next time
~♡Tassy .E ~

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