Chapter 18 (The duel)

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Miranda stared at the woman who stood before her

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Miranda stared at the woman who stood before her.  A malicious and taunting smile carved on her ashen, grey face.  Her brown robes flutterd  in the gentle breeze. Each flutter stirring a pain deep within Mirandas  chest.  She stood, frozen like ice. Her gaze focused on Miranda.  Her soulless eyes taunting and mocking her.  Miranda gulped. Her breathing sharp and raspy as she defiantly met the woman's intimidating glare. 

"What do you want ?"

The woman smirked.  Her jaw twisting in a grotesque manner as she responded. 

"You know what I want. "

Miranda gulped. The woman was right.  Miranda did know what she wanted. It was only logical. .

"Me." She uttered hoarsely. Her voice barely above a whisper. 

"Precisely". The woman cooed bitterly .

"I must compliment you Griffin.  You are very brave, unlike the others.  You cower in fear, yet here you stand.  Willingly volunteering to defeat me.  Yet As brave as you are, you are also foolish. "

The woman knew she was a Griffin ! But how ?  Miranda thought that it was only Ava and Eleena who knew of her true identity . But if this woman knew , then she was afraid to think of how many others knew her secret.

"What do you want with me?"

"Aah . Don't play dumb Griffin.  You are a smart girl.  I'm sure you figured it out by now." 

Miranda searched her brain , trying to figure out what the woman was refering to when suddenly it struck her .

"You want  the jewels, don't you?. Well I'm sorry to inform you, but you can't have them." 

The woman cackled.  Her high pitched voice echoed  around Miranda.  Her foul voice sailing with the winds, wrapping around Miranda like a blanket. 

"Foolish Griffin.  What makes you think you can stop me.  You don't stand a chance against me.  I am far more powerful  than you.  I can rip you apart if I wanted, grinding your bones to nothing but dust.  Pathetic little Griffin. Now I shall end you like I did your ancesstors ."

The woman growled.  Her hands outstretched, raised towards the heavens as she chanted. 

Storm of the Earth, Wind, Power and Rain
Move these thoughts like a mighty train
Cast to the East,  South, West and North 
Release my intentions with a mighty force!!!.

A bolt of lightning streaked across the sky.  The electric tendrils spitting into a million smaller bolts.  Each one as deadly and potent as the mother that bore them. 

Miranda quivered  in fear.  The lighting bolt  sizzled  through the sky, fully capturing Miranda' s attention.  The tendrils grew longer.  It's electrical arms surrounded the woman, caressing her, whispering sweet nothings in her bony ear. 

Miranda shivered.  Sweat pouring  down her back, drenching the fur of her robe . 

The woman snarled.  Her fingers outstretched as she called to the electric beasts, beckoning them,  drawing them nearer before entrapping it within her palms. 

Miranda breathed in deep.  Her heart galloping against her ribcage.  Her brain foggy as she watched.  The feeling of De Ja Vu washed over her, reminding her of her last visit with death. 

The woman aimed the bolts in her direction.  Her bony fingers accurately positioning the bolt, aiming it for Miranda.  She let go. 

The bolt sizzled,  searing through the air as it headed straight for her. 
The world seemed to still , her heart in the palm of her hands as Miranda awaited her end.

She closed her eyes, unable to witness the sight that would occur. Her memories flashed beneath her eyelids, playing in sequence like a well directed movie.  Each moment special and more memorable than the last. 

Words of Eleena's and Ava's floated in her minds eye. The voices echoing off the walls of her mind,  inspiring and motivating her. 

The fate of the world rests on your shoulders.  It is your duty.  Your responsibility .  Your purpose. 

No!  Miranda screamed.  Her voice hoarse with fear. 
No!  She shouted louder. Her voice  gaining newfound strength and courage. 

No!  I refuse to give up.  I refuse to die In this cowardly manner.  I am the last Griffin and I shall act like it, by facing my obstacles head own.!

Her voice was full with courage.  Its intensity  giving her strength.  Miranda watched the bolt advance towards her.  It's speed increasing as it effortlessly cut through the air, like a knife through butter. 

Her heart thumped ,  hands outstretched, shielding herself.  Eyes closed on instinct as she awaited  the deathly impact. 

But it never came. 
Instead she felt a surge. A rush. A sharp current that caresed her fingertips, warming it's frozen edges, before spreading outwards. 

Miranda cracked opened her eyelids.  Willing her mind to remain calm as she analysed the scene before her. 

The electric bolt rested between her fingertips.  It's deadly electric arms seeming less life threatening as she cradled it between her fingers. 
She gasped in astonishment.  Her eyes wide as saucers as she realised that she could control  spells and attacks thrown at her. 

She gazed at the woman who seemed as surprised as Miranda. 

Why is she surprised? Surely all Griffins could do this? 

The woman continued to stare.Her  mouth agape, jaw dropping as disbelief clouded her features, before turning into hatred and fury. 

Miranda gulped. The charge soothing her fears and racing heart as she awaited the woman's attack
The woman advanced  towards Miranda.  Her threats filling the silence as she neared.

Scared for her life, Miranda focused, channelling her terror and fear into the electric bolt.Her mouth  widened as she watched it grow, fueled by pain and fear , 
the bolt slipped from her grasp, heading straight for the woman.

It met her deformed body with a sickening sizzle. The smell of burning flesh permeated the air.  Wisps of smoke rising of her charred body.

Miranda stared in horror at the figure that once lived.  Her lifeless body lay splattered against the pure, white snow. 

What have I done? Miranda thought as she sunk to the cold carpet of snow. 
I Killed someone.

Her mind turned blank , darkness creeping In as she collapsed on the snow .

Hey guys .

Here's another chapter .

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Love urll lots

~♡Tassy E ~

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