Chapter 2(Blast to the Past )

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Btw pic of Tiffany above 🔝


Miranda glared at the numerous files that littered her desk . Each file , silently promising late night's and endless streams of coffee. She sighed , mentally preparing herself for the battle that lay before her .

" Hey Miranda . Are you okay ? You look exhausted !"
Miranda lifted her head above the fortress of work that surrounded her , to gaze at her partner , Tiffany Homes who sat seated accross from her .

" I had a rough night . Was barely able to close my eyes , let alone sleep "

"Was it the same nightmare ?" Tiffany asked . Her large doe - like eyes , glistening in concern as she awaited Mirandas reply .
Miranda and Tiffany were stark opposites , in both personality and appearance . Tiffany was as composed and stable as the golden locks that cascaded down her back , while Mirandas fiesty and unpredictable behaviour riveled with the fiery tressels that framed her delicate face.

It was no surprise regarding the instantaneous friendship that blossomed between them and it often left Miranda wondering if opposites do attract , in this case , referring to friendship .

Miranda nodded in reply .
" It was the same nightmare Tiff. I actually believed that the relaxation tablets would help , but it seemed I was wrong . "
She exhaled in exhaustion. 
" Im soo tired of dreaming these same putrid nightmares over and over again . It's like a bloody brocken record and I just wish it would stop !"
Miranda sighed , exasperated . Tears threatening to flow as she desperately tried to gather her shambled thoughts.

Tiffany looked at her from accross the desk , sorry and concern painted on her face .
" Randa , it breaks my heart seeing you like this , especially since I know that you aren't the type to succumb to tears ." She sighed. " Did the cloaked woman visit you again ?"

" Unfortunately she did. But Tiff , it was different this time ."

" What do mean ?" Tiffany asked , confused.

"Usually , the woman only appears in my dream , making sure her presence is noted . But this time she spoke to me . She actually opened her mouth and released a string of spine - chilling words , that not only haunt my dreams but my thoughts as well . Tiff , I feel paranoid, mad. I feel like I'm going insane . The need to constantly look over my shoulder overwhelms me and I just can't take it anymore ."

Tiffany gasped , gently reaching over to comfort a frightened Miranda .

" Ssh. Don't worry Randa. It's going to be okay . Besides it's only a dream . A figment of your imagination and thankfully fictional creatures are just that . Purely fictional and one hundred percent not real . Tell you what , I'll fix you up with a nice , hot , steaming cup of coffee and you can tell me all about your dream. It's like my uncle always says ,: A burden shared is a burden halved ."

Miranda giggled at her friend's impersonation of what she believed represented her Great uncle Buford.

"Thanks Tiff. I really appreciate it . Besides I'm sure Great uncle Buford would be tossing In his grave if you continue to shame his wonderful and glorious persona with your humourius antics . "

Tiffany hummed a reply, giving Miranda a cocky grin before leaving .

Miranda watched Tiffanys retreating figure , silently thanking God for blessing her with the most perfect friend .

Miranda and Tiffany were both detectives ,working together for a solid 5 years .
After the death of her mother , Clara Evaheart , Miranda became suicidal and battled episodes of intense and isolated depression.

Her entire universe and world crumbled and seized to exist with the passing of her mother and she soon took to drugs in an effort of numbing the excruciating pain and emptiness she felt .

She felt as if she was drowning , trapped beneath a layer of water as she desperately fought to resurface . The world around her faded into nothingness and each day became a battle . For she not only lost her mother , but her best friend and greatest ally .

Thankfully Tiffany arrived in her life at the right time and served as a guardian Angel . She helped Miranda see the light and offered her a second chance . A Chance she never knew existed .

As the days bled into months , and months into years , Miranda couldn't help but wonder if her mum's death was purely accidental . According to the Chicago P. D , they believed that Clara died in a horrific car accident . Her body was burnt beyond recognition , her skin charred to the bone.

It was truly a miracle , that the police were able to retrive an unmarred drivers liscence .
Miranda sighed . Somehow the death didn't sit right with either her or her gut. It seemed too good to be true for her drivers lisecce to remain intact , almost as if she wanted to be identified .

Well , whatever it was Miranda was sure to get to the bottom if it and not rest until she uncovered the truth .

Sup my fellow Griffins .

So I decided to update another chapter as I was bored and because my fingers wouldn't stop itching to write

Q:  If you are still a helpless soul trapped in school (much like myself ) what would you like to be when you grow up ? ( I  would love to do something related to health science .)

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Love yourll more than chocolate drops

~ ♡Tassy .E~

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