Chapter 11 ( Monster)

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She was falling

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She was falling .

Drowning .

Air surrounded her yet she could not breath .
She was suffocating . Plummeting into an unknown abyss. The air was thick , stagnant as she cut through it .
It weighed down on her like a heavy blanket , pushing her further down into the bottomless pit that awaited below her .

Time slowed. The world stilled . Colours merged together forming incoherent shapes that she could not identify .
Was she dead ? Is this heaven ? What on earth Is happening ?

It was as If she was floating . Suspended in midair . Wisps of hair escaped her bun , snaking Its way through the air . It looked like the hairy legs of a tarantula as it swayed .

And then it abruptly changed . As if someone pressed the play button on a recently paused movie . Air rushed back into her lungs , filling her to the brim . She was no longer floating , but was rapidly dropping .

Down she went , like a lighting bolt . Hands concealing her face as she fell . Her insides churning like a concrete mixer . Miranda screamed . Her voice leaving her body in a suffocated sob. She dared to look beneath her and was shocked to discover that this bottomless pit wasn't as bottomless as she thought . In fact , in a few moments she was going to get a face to face introduction with the ashy , grey slabs of concrete that lay beneath .

She shut her eyes, praying to God to end this nightmare . Promising to be a better human . Heck , she even promised to end world hunger and promote peace. Anything If it meant escaping this horrible nightmare .

All of the air rushed out of her as she smacked the concrete slabs . Her head pounded . Her body twitched , yet strangely she felt no pain . No blood oozed from her head . No bones were cracked . Her joints still seemed to function and suprisingly nothing seemed brocken.

Mirandas eyebrows knit in confusion . What kind of a sick nightmare was this ? And where was she anyway ? Last she recalled , she was standing in the Equinox. A velvet box in hand as she gazed intently at the topaz jewel that rested in her palm .

She remebered the jewel glowing as It beckoned her closer. Drawing her in , until she began to feel lightheaded and the world around her began to dull.

She was soo fixated on the jewel , that she didn't realise that she was falling . Deep into the depths Of the jewel itself . And now here she is . Trapped within its depths .

'Great . Just perfect . That's all I bloody needed to complete my day. As If that wasn't stressful enough ,now i have to deal with being stuck in a jewel with no way out . Just great !'

She huffed . Kicking a piece of loose rock . A sharp ray of bright light momentarily blinding her as she lost her footing and tumbled to the ground . Shielding her eyes , she cautiously peeked through the cracks in her fingers and mentally cursed Herself for not noticing this sooner . For there , in the middle of the vast night sky , resided a huge , gigantic sun.
How could she have not noticed this?

It was massive . Like a humongous yellow yolk that formed a perfect full circle , threatening to burst against the seams and bleed against the ocean of black that surrounded it .

As if awakening from a daze , the activities of her surrounding environment hit her full force , nearly causing her to stumble .
Cries of war echoed around her and the desperate pleas for help crippled her.

People fell to the ground . Blood spewing from wounds . Throats were ripped open . Stomachs torn , exposing a tangled web of intestines . People grabbed on to her , howling for help . Agony etched on their scarred faces. Eyeballs fell out of their sockets , hanging by a single nerve , leaving hollow depths in place of eyes . Her stomach churned and she forced herself to swallow it down , not wanting to display her lunch splattered against the sidewalk .

Was this one of the seven realms ? Was this what Eleena and Ava were referring to when they spoke about the kingdoms being plunged in darkness and turmoil ?

Miranda gulped , still trying to digest the scene before her. The scent of death and blood overpowered , wrapping itself around her like the warm fingers of a new born babe.
Why were all these people dying ? Was it because of Rouland ?

She searched the battlefield and her eyes nearly squeezed out of her sockets as they landed on a figure that could could only be described as the epitome of horror . It was the stuff that nightmares were made of , even scarier than the old hag that plagued Miranda's dreams and Miranda was certain that once she got out of here , she would never sleep again.

Brick red horns tore out of his shrunken skull. Its razor sharp ends glistening in the suns light . A long slimy tongue slithered out of his mouth , snaking its way around his sword as he licked it clean . A small groan of pleasure escaped his mouth . His bloodshot eyes closing in utter bliss , as he made no move to mask his satisfaction .

Miranda shuddered , feeling extremely uncomfotable as she witnessed this strangely intimate sight . She studied his profile , her mouth curling upward in disgust as she watched his skin melt . Effortlessy Sliding of off his body like butter , exposing the rotting organs that lay beneath .

She gasped . Watching in terror as this small sound reached his ears . Her eyes widened . Heart banging against her ribcage as she watched him turn.
His eyes locked on hers . His nostrils flared as he discarded his weapon , no longer intrigued by the blood that coated it .

He smirked , revealing rows of jaggered teeth. Miranda cursed .
DAMN! Was he going to kill her and suck her blood ? Was he going to take her to Rouland ? What was she going to do ?

Her insides screamed at her . The muscles in her leg contracting as a single thought filtered through her mind .


She didn't need to be told twice . She ran . As fast as her legs could take her ,away from the battle and destruction and away from the monster that would forever plague her thoughts .

Hey guys .

Here's another chapter . Hope you likey.
Comment if you enjoyed and make it rain orange stars.

Love yourll more than I love cotton candy


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