Chapter 24 (Touchy issues)

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Gigantic balls of fire lit sky

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Gigantic balls of fire lit sky . Cutting through the air ,as  they hurled towards the enemy , bathing then in a body of fire .

They wailed . Screaming as the fire devoured them whole . Eating away at their exposed skin like hungry animals until all that remained was ash and smoke. 

Miranda sat crouched near the blazing fire.  It's heat serving as her only source of warmth.  The cleansers which attacked her, now rested upon the crisp, white snow. 

Their cabin, her once considered safe haven was burnt to a crisp. Remnants of it  merged with the snow, while other parts flew upon the back of the wind. 

After being attacked , Nathaniel insisted they walk . Deciding to take her to his friend who lived a few miles away . He had not spoken a word since he combusted into to flames and Miranda found herself wondering if she was finally going insane. 

Tension surrounded them like a thick woolen blanket and after walking a few kilometres in silence , she finally gave  up . The silence that existed between them was killing her and she had to end it .

"So that's it then . You not going to say anything . "

She was met with more unbearable sillence . Seriously . What was wrong with this guy ? He was the one that was hurling flameballs out of his hand and now he was just going to remain silent .  Honestly his unusual mood swings was worse than a woman on her period and this only angered her more .

"I deserve an explanation Nathaniel . You can't just grow two horns out your head and expect me to remain silent . Dammit , why won't you speak to me ."

"I have nothing to say Miranda . Just give it a rest . "

Miranda ... He had called her by her name . That was not a good sign . And there was no way that she was 'giving it a rest '. She wanted answers and she wanted them now .

"Uh uh . I'm not letting you go that easily . If you won't tell me about your 'alterior  personality ' , then the least you can do Is inform me of where we are going . And slow down will you . I only have two legs ."

He sighed . Slowing his pace to meet hers .
"We are going to visit my friend Dorian . His castle is not far from her . Hopefully he can give us a place of shelter and allow us to replenish ourselves before we continue our search . "

Hold up.  A castle ? Here . In the middle of an ocean of snow ?

"There is a castle here ? " she asked in complete surprise . "But how is that even possible . It doesn't even make sense . There is no way people can survive out here . " Miranda asked , perplexed.

"Not everything has to make sense my little Griffin . "

Yess. He called her his little Griffin. Everything  is now finally right in the world .

"Besides we are in one of the 7 kingdoms and every kingdom needs a castle .  Dont you agree ? "

"But how do people survive out here . In this extreme cold ?"

"Remember little Griffin . We are not as fragile as mere mortals . We may take on the appearance of humans but we are far from it . "

"You mean like how you look human , yet you grew horns and sprouted wings ? "

Nathaniel jaw clenched . Obviously this was a touchy topic and instead of keeping her mouth shut , she just had to go an open it . She seriously needed to learn when to  put a sock in it .

"That is a tale for another time Miranda."

Oh no . They were back on the first name basis . Dammit.  She just had to go and run her mouth !

Eager to salvage the peace that existed between them ,she decided to try again .

"Will we walk for much longer? . " a pathetic attempt at communication , yet it was the only thing she could think of .

Nathaniel continued to walk . Not even sparing her a glance as he replied .

"We shall reach there in a night's journey ."

That was it ! That's all he said , before increasing his pace and marching  in front of her . Refusing to even look at her as she huffed and puffed and moaned and graoned .

Her muscles ached and her legs were numb from walking in the snow.
She glanced at Nathaniel who still walked  ahead of her. His stride and expression full of purpose. Looking nothing but perfect as he walked on .

How was he managing ? She was practically shivering from the cold . Beads of sweat crytallizing on skin , yet he didn't even shiver. And all he wore was thin cotton top.

Her moaning and graoning must  have done the trick as Nathaniel finally halted , instructing her to set camp for the night

Thank God.

He erected the tent that he carried with him and used some wood to create a fire .

The icy breezed nipped at her skin as she warmed herself near the fire . Pulling her hood tightly against her head , she blew warmth on her frozen fingers .

Nathaniel returned , with a fish in hand as he prepared to roast it .
Yaay.  It looked like they were going to have fish. Again !
Her stomach churned but having nothing else to eat , it was either this or starvation . And frankly she needed all the energy she could get if they were to trek through the snow tomorrow .
So fish it is !

The sky darkened . Shadows forming against the wall of her tent as she shut her eyes . When she was a kid , her mother  would always sing her a lullbay , in an effort to chase the mosters away .
Seeing these shadows dancing against her tent , caused this memory to resurface . Closing her eyes , she drifted off to sleep to the sweet memory of her mother's voice .

Hiii guys .

Here's another chapter .
Hope u enjoyed

Love urll lots


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2018 ⏰

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