Chapter 6 (Paradise)

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Miranda awoke in a meadow

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Miranda awoke in a meadow . The golden sun kissed her face , temporarily blinding her as she opened her eyes .

 The golden sun kissed her face , temporarily blinding her as she opened her eyes

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Wisps of morning fog circled her toes. Fresh dew seeped into her linen dress , causing the damp material to cling to her skin . The blissful chirping of honeybirds coaxed her ears as she forced her eyes open .

A gentle breeze whispered through the hollows in the trees. The gigantic branches and leaves swaying in a gentle motion , as If engaging in a silent dance .
Miranda got to her feet . The soft , velvety texture of the grass tickeled her toes , while indirectly cooling her scalding skin .

Miranda searched her surroundings , desperately trying to recall how she arrived here...wherever here was!
She scoured her brain, looking for answers , but was met with a cold , blank wall.

'Its hopeless' she thought as she collapsed on the vibrant bed of grass.
'It's like finding a needle in a haystack . Impossible and pointless!'

Mirandas gaze once more roamed her surroundings and her breath caught in her throat as she took in the beauty that she missed to acknowledge due to her frantic and alarmed thoughts .

It was unlike anything she had ever seen!
Thick carpets of luscious ,red roses stretched before her , creating an endless stream of crimson . Each rose , as vibrant as the setting sun , emitted unique fragrances that reminded Miranda of her childhood years.

Birds of unimaginable beauty and colour circled a flower . Their wings reflecting the colours of the rainbow . To her right , lay massive body of water. It's shimmering surface glistening in the morning sun , like jewels reflecting light. 

It enticed and appealed to her senses , luring Miranda closer. It's peculiarity and unethereal beauty overrided her sense of logic , and Miranda soon found herself crouching near the body of water , hands outretched , ready to plunge her fingers within its wartery depths .

She dipped her hand into the stream and was astonished with what she saw. The water swirled , once , twice , a couple of times before completely changing in appearance . It became thicker , denser,  more viscious.
It turned a strawberry pink and clung to her hand when she removed it .

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