Chapter 23 (Friend or foe ?)

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Miranda nibbled on her breakfast

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Miranda nibbled on her breakfast.  The cold fish no longer appetizing as it once had been. She  had trouble eating since the accident. 
Her appetite seemed to have retreated, hiding itself within the cold walls that surrounded her.

After all, who could eat after witnessing such a gruesome sight. 
The womans curse stayed true.  The image of her disturbing death, still haunted Miranda, regardless of her eyes being open or closed. 

She toyed with the food on the plate.  It's rubbery consistency reminding her of the woman's thick, charred skin.  Her stomach churned.  Her body growing limp from anxiety. 

Dark circles coloured her pale skin.  Her chocolate orbs duller, lacking the warmth it once held.  Miranda hardly slept.  The images constantly awakened her, the woman's words constantly ringing through her ears like an unwanted visitor. 

Nathaniel as usual was not at home . Claiming that he had to fetch firewood or something he left her alone . He did this everynight.  Spending the day with her , annoying her to no end , yet when dusk fell and the sky began to darken , he would abrubtly  leave . Offering her some lame excuse as a reason .

To be honest , she missed his presence . Maybe the cold was messing with her brain but she began to find his presence tolerable and she actually looked forward to their little arguments . Yep , it was definetly the cold . Her old self would never warm to the enemy .

She sighed, rubbing her sore eyes in frustration. Exhaustion weighing her down .
That's it!
'I'm going to get some sleep, even if it's the last thing I do! '

She angrily shut her eyelids. Refusing to acknowledge the images that lurked beneath it,  Instead she pictured her happy place. 
She conjured an image of the meadows.  A place which housed her happiest memories. 

A silhouette of a small girl flew past her. The cheerful tinkling of laughter greeted the fresh air. 
Leaves rained down from tall branches, painting the grass red and orange. The girl danced, oblivious of the world that surrounded her.  The crunch of leaves and bursts of laughter being the only sounds present.

Another figure emerged from the thicket of leaves.  Her indigo dress swayed in the breeze, choreographing a dance of its own. The woman smiled. A simple action that spoke a thousand words.  The woman chased after the little girl.  Her melodious giggles echoing off Mirandas mind.

"Mum".Miranda whispered, a warm smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as her gaze followed her younger self.

The image wrapped around her like a blanket. Comforting and soothing . Miranda wanted to stay here, to forever remain within this blissfull memory. Silently wishing that it was more than that. More than a memory. More than a distant dream that dwelled in the recesses of her mind.

A bang whisked her out of her reverie, effectively bringing her back to the pitiful present.
Miranda whipped her head In the direction of the sound and was startled to see a very afraid Nathaniel.

He looked paler than usual. His eyes sunken, pupils wide, fingers trembling.

"What's wrong? "

Nathaniel took a moment to answer. 

"The cleansers are here!   They found us!  We need to move quickly. Must run! Cant let them take you! "

Miranda stared in bewilderment. Her mind analysing the words that exited Nathaniels mouth.

They are here. As in the cleansers from Roulands army . The same cleansers that she encountered in Abisian .

Miranda shivered

"We must leave. NOW! "

Miranda nodded. Her body moving in its own accord as she followed an anxious  Nathaniel.  His moved quickky and effectively with unethereal precision . 

The cabin which housed her exploded. Splintered wood and torn logs piled around her as she collapsed to the ground .  Her body resting on an ocean of rubble. Her vision blurred as thick clouds of smoke obscured the light, making it difficult to see. 

In the distance she could make out figures. How many? She was not sure. All she knew was that they were approaching. Fast and deadly.
She coughed, trying to rid her lungs of the smoke that entered. Her head throbbed. Lights dancing across her vision like fireflies. It's light bringing warmth to the darkness that clouded her. Blood trickled down her forehead, coating the fur of her suit .  

The figures were close enough to be seen. Their malicious smirks causing shivers to roll down her spine.

A group of of monsters approached. Their bodies mangled and mutilated. Seeming neither human nor animal. Their disfiguredness resembling that of the cloaked woman.

A monster with brick red horns approached. Recognition filtered across her features as she recalled him from Abisian. He was the same monster she ran away from. Unfortunately she didn't run far enough.

They chanted, their voices grave, claws and talons exposed, ready to attack.

Out of the fog emerged another figure. His muscles tensed as he stood before Miranda, shielding her from the vile creatures.

Nathaniel, she whispered in relief.

He turned towards her.  His expression deadly and animalistic. His eyes were no longer the forest green she knew and loved. They were now crimson. Resembling a pool of blood.

Get away from her! He growled.
His voice sounding more animal than human.

.. OR face the consequences.

The figures remained paying  no heed to Nathaniels warnings and stalked nearer

"Very well then".

Nathaniels jaw clenched. His muscles taut as a predatory growl escaped his lips.

His body turned red. Claws ripped out of his skin. His teeth lengthened, the sharp tips glinting in the light. Scarlet wings protruded out of his back.  It's razor sharp edges cutting through the tension filled air.

The monsters still approached. Their gazes locked on Miranda as they surrounded her. 
Nathaniel howled. His body combusted, igniting into flames as he directed it towards his unfortunate victims.

hii guys .
Hope u likey??

Q: what's UR fav hobbies ??

Have a lovely weekend


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