Prologue (The beginning of the end )

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Thunder roared . Lightning flashed .
Darkness coated the sky , effectively blanketing the light that fought to resurface . The crunching of bones still lingered through the staganat air . Their howls and desperate plaes for help echoing throughout the dark night .

Bones were snapped . Muscles were viciously torn . Throats were ripped open and limbs severed from bodies as they scattered the battlefield ,posing as a warning to all.

Rouland smirked as he weaved through the endless sea of bodies that littered the ground . Their bodies mangled and distorted . Horror and fear sown on their pale faces .

He kicked a body with the edge of his boot . His mouth curling upward in disgust as he assessed his latest and greatest victory .
"Pathetic" he spat out .
Disgustingly pathetic.
These Griffins knew better than to defy him!.

His eyes clouded with unmasked fury as his gaze lingered on the recently deceased .
Their bodies were shrivelled . Eyes bulging out of their sockets . Their mouths open , crying out to the heavens above . A silent plea that remained unheard
Foolish humans.
If he wasn't so cold hearted he would have almost felt sorry for them . Key word :almost .

Rouland sniffed the air . The scent of death and destruction overpowered . Its bittersweet scent permeated his lungs , wrapping its outstretched claws around him , embracing him in a warm cocoon of familiarity .

His beady eyes searched the battlefield , desperately trying to locate the object of his obsession . The object of his fantasies . The very reason for this bloodbath .
But Alas!
It was nowhere to be found .

Rage clouded his vision , blinding him from reality . The beast within him growled ,itching for another massacre , yearning to sink it's sharp fangs through someone's tender flesh .

Rouland unsheathed his sword. The metallic beast glowed in the moonlight . Blood dripped of off it's polished , mirror -like surface .
It glowed brighter as it passed over the dead bodies , as if silently begging for more

More death . More blood .More destruction .

Rouland softly chuckled to himself . It was truly no wonder as to why Rouland treasured this sword . They both seemed to lust after the same thing : POWER .

Yes , Rouland thought wickedly to himself . And that power will soon be his . As soon as he got his talons on that blasted Luminous .

The end of the world was near , and Rouland bathed in the knowledge that he will be the one to end it.

Hi everyone. Well that's the first chapter . Yes , some things are the same but I did change it a little .

Anyway presenting my evil master minded villain : Rouland

what do you Think of Rouland so far .?

Q : who's your favourite super villian. ? ( I would say the joker. I'm like in love with his hair , *squee*)

Please comment and make that star orange .

Love yourll more than vodka shots .

~♡ Tassy.E~

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