Chapter 4 (Unusual murders and creepy symbols)

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The two detectives arrived at the crime scene and was immediately greeted by Seargent Chang

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The two detectives arrived at the crime scene and was immediately greeted by Seargent Chang .

Miranda exited the car. Her anticipation growing with each step . Her crime solving mind already formulating theories as to what might have occured. Miranda loved her job . She loved the surge of satisfaction and fulfillment experienced when solving a case and secretly craved the hunt each case sent her on .

"Seargent Chang . What can you tell us about the body? Tiffany asked .

Miranda smiled , already loving the familiarity that wrapped around her. She glanced at her best friend , a smile etching it's way on her face as she basked in the normalacy that she so desperately missed.

Tiffany wore her ususl expression . Her face composed and serious . Miranda admired this trait of Tiffanys. It was the main reason as to why they worked soo well together . Miranda was the over excited one . Always eager for a new case , ever ready for the next kill , like a lion waiting to pounce . Whreas Tiffany was the cool , calm and collected one . Her face a mask of stone , never revealing her true feelings . They were like 2 sides of a coin . Welded and moulded from the same metal , thereby complemeting each other in every way .

"It seems to be a murder case. The body belongs to a Timothy Marshall - a divorced 39 year old. According to neighbours , Mr Marshall was a quiet neighbour , who kept to himself. He hardly went out , except to attend work and very rarely invited people to his home . We received a phone call from his neighbour , Martha Higgins . She claims she heard a great deal of noise and was alarmed ." Sergeant Chang replied, as they entered the house.

Miranda neared the body , the familiar pangs of anticipation and excitement clawing at her insides.
The house was a mess. Shards of glass littered the floor , creating a carpet of glistening ice. Tables and lamps were toppled over , supposedly having been knocked down in an attempt of resistance.

"Are their any traces of knife or bullet wounds ?"

Searget Chang shook his head . "Negative . The cause of death seems to be suffocation , however the method used Is quite unique in its manner. "

"What do you mean?"inquired Miranda .

"Usually , when we come accross murder cases , wherin suffocation has occured , the murder weapon generally used is a pillow or plastic bag . In this case ,the victim seems to have been suffocated by sand ."

" Sand !?" Miranda and Tiffany simultaneously gasped out .

"Is that even possible? And how did it sand end up in his house.? "

"Its highly likely . Sand can be used for suffocation . If a person is submerged under a great amount of it , it could be thick enough to prevent oxygen from penetrating its airtight layers , thereby depriving a person of oxygen , therefore killing them ."

"That's dreadful ! It's like being buried alive ." Shrieked Miranda .

"Indeed it is . We also found a strange marking on his skull. It's seems to be branded on him , probably imprinted with a hot iron rod ."

Miranda edged closer , analysing the symbol . She had never seen it before , never encountered it in her life , yet the mere sight of it sent a shiver down her spine . Whatever it was , Miranda knew that it was not good and could only lead to destruction .

"And was their any sign of forced entry, Sergeant Chang ?"

"Negative . But their is a trail of sand ,leading from from the door and into the living room , before leading back out the front door. At first we thought that Marshalls shoes were responsible for this trail , but his shoes contained no trace of sand."

Hmm . Interesting .

Miranda crouched near the soil , gently running the particles between her fingertips . It felt soft . Smooth to the touch . As if she was wielding air between her fingers. As she rubbed the feather- light sand between the pads of her fingers ,the sand began to clump together. Forming a more solid shape.

How unusual .thought Miranda .

"Tiffany ,send some of this sand to forensics and have it examined . Sergeant Chang , was there any witnesses who might have seen the attacker?"

"Unfortunately no. " replied Chang .
"He seemed to have appeared and disappeared without a trace . Gone with the wind as some would say , leaving nothing but a dead body and an even deadlier carpet bill."

"Hmm. Randa, it seems like we have alot on our hands . It's best we head back to the compound . Thanks for the information Sergeant Chang."

Miranda nodded . Her eyes glowing in eagerness and curiosity . She was about to exit the house , when something caught her eye .

Miranda watched in amazement and horror as words began to crystallize on the widow that lay before her. She stood ,rooted to the spot . Her eyes fixed on the window , entranced as she read the words that formed before her .

This is just the beginning !

HEY fellow Griffins
Here's another chapter .

Q: Whats your favourite food( I love seafood coz I see food and I eat it 😉)

Love yourll more than I love seefood
~♡Tassy .E~

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