Chapter 13 (Ancestors and Riddles )

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Miranda ran like she had never run before

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Miranda ran like she had never run before. 
Her muscles cried out in protest , but she paid no heed.  The memory of the monster , serving as sufficient motivation , fueling her aching muscles .

Her heart pounded deep in her chest . Blood thrummed in her ears . Face red with exhaustion as she continued to push herself . Frankly speaking , this was definitely not how she envisioned a Friday night. A relaxing bubble bath , her favourite takeout , munching on buckets of butter popcorn as she binged on her favourite series ... sure , all these options were welcome with open arms but sweaty under arms, a pounding heart and a massive grotesque monster trailing your footsteps was a definite no no .

How long was she going to keep running ? Her muscles were already turning to jello and her galloping heart seemed too exhausted to continue. She was a panting , sweaty mess and now more than ever , she wished that she listened to Tiff and layed of the extra carbs .

Oh gosh ! Tiffany ! Was she ever going to see her again ?  It seemed like forever since she last seen her and Miranda missed seeing her friend's cheery face . She missed hearing Tiffanys lame jokes that made no sense . She missed her quirky  words of wisdom , but more importantly , she missed the warmth of her hugs .

Exhausted , she crashed against a tree. Collapsing in a very unlady like manner . Closing her eyes , she ingested as much available air as she could , willing her racing heart to a slower pace .

The war still raged and Miranda let out a relieved sigh when she realised that she was not being followed . She sank to the ground . Muscles painfully bunched together as she tried focusing her energy on a more pressing matter .

Where was she ? And how can she get out of here ? .
She remebered seeing a small symbol carved near each jewel that rested in the velvet box. A sun symbol lay near the topaz jewel , similar to the massive one that stretched accross these skies.  She also fleetingly remebered names of Kingdoms  in the brief history she read .
So this must mean that she is in the Sun Kingdom .

Great ! Now that she established her current location , she just had to figure out a way of getting back home .
Home ...A world that seemed soo near yet soo far .

The books did not tell her how to escape a jewel ..heck , they didn't even mention that she could get sucked into one , maybe these jewels should come with warnings or maybe even a manual , but they did however tell her that she was never alone and would forever be assisted by her Griffin ancesstors ; the warriors of the past .  So maybe she could send out like an SOS signal and ask for help.

Mumbling a quick prayer and crossing her fingers , she gazed at the sky above . Closing her eyes , she envisioned herself connecting with a higher force , willing herself to imagine a thread that connected her to the spirits of her ancesstors . A thread that will effectively convey her message to these spirits .

"O great spirits that came before me . My name is Miranda and apparently I am a Griffin Hunter like yourll . They say that i am the last descendant of this mighty bloodline I'm sure that counts for something . If you can hear me ,  I  really need your help . I got sucked into a jewel that transported me to the Sun Kingdom and now i have no idea how to leave this place . I would truly be grateful if you could probably show me the way out of here"

She threw in a please for extra measure and then she waited . And waited .
She waited for what seemed like centuries and still nothing happened .

Really ! What's the use of having an entire generation of mighty Griffin ancestors if they aren't even available in your time of need .

She huffed , growing increasingly frustrated by the second . She was about to give up and truly throw in the towel when  the soft rustling of leaves stopped her.

This place was like a vacuum . It was impossible for leaves to sway.  Surely this was a sign.  A message from the ancesstors . She waited with bated breath , hope blosomming in her chest as the leaves around her began to rise , floating in the wings of the air as they surrounded her .

It embraced her in cacoon , spinning around her on the backs of the wind . The motion was making her dizzy and she watched in both amazement and terror as the wind increased In velocity , resembling more of a hurricane than a gentle breeze.

She felt entrapped and prayed that she did not waltz into another nightmare . The wind howled against her ears , carrying with it the rustle of leaves and something else . Something that sounded alot like the sound of voices .

She listened carefully , ears pricked in awareness . She was right.  It was voices. A cacophony of genderless and disembodied voices . Barely noticable against the howl and rustle of the leaves .

She strained her ears , trying desperately to decipher their words . Was this the ancestors trying to communicate with her ? Well whoever it was , she wanted to hear what they had to say .

"Last descendent of the Mighty Gtiffins .
Noble of blood and royal by heir. 
When searching for the jewel , do not despair .
Seek it where the ice glows fair ."

Jewel ? Ice glows fair ? What on earth were they taking about ?

She puzzled . Trying to decipher the meaning but was unable to as her slowly sealed shut of their own accord .

Hey guys .

Here's another chappie . Lol

Hope you enjoy .
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