Chapter 16 - (Old Friends)

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Rouland jolted out of bed . His heart racing . His palms sweaty as images of his decapitated head flashed across his vision .
Did he just die ? But how ? Rouland was a God . It was impossible for him to get hurt , let alone die , yet the thought of his head rolling around the cemented floors had him requestioning his previous assumption .

He had to end this . Now ! It was not that Rouland was afraid . He wasn't one to scare easily but the thought of a potential killer on the loose posed as a threat . A threat that Rouland had to eradicate as soon as possible , using any means necessary and luckily for him, he knew exactly how to do it .


The house stood exactly as he remebered it . A small , cosy cottage nestled in the womb of the forset .

Enshrouded by a thicket of trees , it bore a striking resemblance to the cottage from Hansel and Gretel. The only difference being that this house was made purely from bricks and cement instead of sweets and candy .

A young woman stood outside . A broom in hand as she softly hummed to herself , completely submerged in her surroundings . She was a petite woman . Draped in a white garment that flowed around her waist . Her platinum blond locks cascading down her back ,lightly kissing her shoulder blades as she gently swayed to a silent melody .

To any mere mortal , she would take their breath away . Mesmerizing them with her sheer grace and unethereal beauty . But Rouland was no mere mortal . He knew better than to fall for this pathetic facade . It was an old trick . One he was thoroughly accoustomed with . A weak attempt at trying to lure and catch vulnerable prey .

He made his way to the cottage , effectively eating up the distance in a few strides . The woman looked up as if sensing his impending presence. Gazing at him beneath long eyelahes ,she watched in terror as he strided past her , making himself comfortable as he entered her cottage .

She quietly followed . Unshed tears glistning in her eyes . Her face a portrait of pity as she gazed at him .

"Oh give it up Agatha . I am no fool ! You should know by now that your silly parlour tricks have no effect on me . I came here to speak to you ."

The woman gazed at him , picture of innocent beauty plastered on her face .

Rouland sighed . "The real you ."

Upon hearing these words , her gaze snapped towards his.  A metamorphic change beginning to occur as Rouland watched in amazement . No matter how many times he witnessed her metamorphosis  , each time fascinated him like the first .

Her eyes began to harden , before narrowing into cat like slits . Her once luscious hair , turned coarse . A tangle of matted steelwool that grated against her haggard skin . Her cheekbones shrunk , eyes sunken . Her clothing dissolving to reveal a frayed , patched brown robe that swept the ground beneath her .

It was truly a sight to behold . The woman that now stood before him, bore no resemblance to the pale beauty that swept outside .  A wide smile etched itself on his face . Now this was someone who he could talk to .

"Aah, Agatha . My old friend . It is soo good to see you . It has been long , hasn't it ?"

"What do you want Rouland ?" Agatha spat out .

"Agatha , you wound me . No hi , how are you . Is this how old friends greet each other ?"

Agatha hissed , revealing a mouth of fangs
"You are no friend of mine Rouland  . Now you either tell me the reason for requesting my presence or you can get out of my house . I have no tolerance for childish games "

"My my . I see old age has finally caught up . Very well . I come her seeking a favour . There is a girl that I want  eradicated . She has become a slight problem and I simply wish for you to make that problem disappear. "

"You want me to kill her ."

"See. I knew you would understand . " he smiled .

"And what is my form of payment ?"asked Agatha. 

"Hmm . Well , since I'm feeling generous today , how about your precious life. I think that that's a wonderful payment , don't you agree dear Agatha ?

'I could think of better options ' she mumbled . " And what if I refuse ?"

Roulands eyes narrowed . Jaw clenched as he pinned her against the brick wall . "Agatha . It seems you have misunderstood . I am not asking you to do it . I'm demanding you do it . Which means that you have no say in this . You either bring me her head before sundown , or it shall be your head that I feast upon ."he threatened , exposing the sharp edges of his canines  .

Agatha was silent for a moment . Considering the job propsed to her . After she went crazy on bloodlust , she vowed never to harm a single soul again . Choosing to inhabit  inside the body of an innocent mortal female , she promised to never set foot out the perimeters of her cottage , too afraid of  incuring a repeat of her past lifes. But Rouland was not a man to be messed with and he did not take knidly to refusals . If the rumours were anything to go by , she would hate having to get on his bad side . Besides, what was one more kill ? For old times sake. 
So with a heavy heart and gentle shrug , she agreed . It was either her Life or the unfortunate victims life and when push comes to shove , you always look out for yourself .
After all , it's not called survival of the fittest for nothing .


Rouland exited her cottage with a satisfied smirk on his face . All was now right and balanced in his world . Now he was off to start his day properly , with a long overdue hunt .

Hey guys .
Here's another chapter ...sorry for late update .

Thanks for reading ❤❤❤


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