Chapter 21 (Curses and stolen clothing )

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Miranda layed down . Sleep didn't seem like such a bad idea. In fact a little R&R would do her good .
She closed her eyes . Allowing her mind to wander as she drifted off into a dark slumber .

Miranda felt her mind drifting .Floating between two worlds, trapped within the clearing in the ice. The same clearing wherein the unthinkable had occured.

The words murderer surrounded her. Haunting her every breath and step. Her eyes roamed accross her surroundings. Thunder roared and lighting flashed. Everything just as it was before. Like props layed upon a stage, eagerly awaiting the unravelling of the scene being performed.

Miranda felt sick. Her body resembling a ghost, a shell of its former self. She felt unwanted. Rejected. Like a bad smell that lingered in the air. She no longer recognised herself. No longer recognised her actions.

Her actions used to once dictate the life of a successful detective. An educated individual who lived her life on her terms. Yet now her actions depicted that of a murderer. A cold blooded killer!.

Her movements no longer seemed to belong to her. Her body robbed of freewill as her feet edged her towards the body that littered the snow.

Miranda cautiously approached. Bile rising in her throat as the revolting smell of burning flesh wafted through the air.

Her steps slowed as she reached the charred corpse. Her eyes wide in terror as she realised that she was responsible for this ghastly death.

I am a murderer. A killer.
The words were continuously chanted, like a mantra. She stared at the aged woman. Her eyes becoming glassy, unshed tears stinging the back of her eyes.

Agathas eyes were screwed shut in pain . A mask of agony sewn on her haggard skin . Mirandas gaze trained on Agathas shut eyes. She desperately wished that she could have prevented this from happening .

Suddenly the womans eyelids flew open. Her pupils pitch black. Demons seeming to lurk within its murky depths. Miranda screamed. Her voice hoarse and raspy.

The woman crackled. Her voice more vile and foul than before.
She rose from her current position. Her bones cracking and snapping as they rearranged themselves.

She staggered towards miranda. Accusation etched on her face as she accusingly extended a thin, bony finger at Miranda.

"You Did this! "She wailed. Her voice carrying the agony of a million tortured souls.
"You killed me!."

"N-no." Miranda sobbed. Her body quivering, longing to escape this wretched nightmare. The woman drew nearer. Her leg dragging in the snow, leaving a trail of shedding flesh in its wake.

"You will pay for this foolish Griffin. Your life will tell a tale of sadness and misfortune. My death will forever plague your weak, fragile Mind. It's darkness dragging you into the pits of hell. My face shall haunt your thoughts; forever flashing beneath your closed eyelids. You will long for an escape. Beg for a cure, yet there will be none. My charred face constantly serving as a reminder of your foolishness. This pathetic Griffin Is my curse to you. "

No! Miranda screamed. Sobs raking her petite form.

The woman sniffed the air. Her scowl twisting into a malicious smirk.

"He's coming for you!".

She let out a high pitched shriek. Her voice resembling nails scraping a blackboard. Wisps of smoke twirled around her body. The thin fabric of her robe combusted. The flames greedily ravishing it. Their hunger unsated as they licked at the woman, devouring her roasted corpse. Miranda watched in sheer horror as the woman melted before her. The charred skin rolling off of her like ants .

Miranda sobbed into the thick fur of her coat. She wanted to run away . To escape this horrible nightmare .

Miranda! Miranda!

A pair of strong arms shook her once . Her foggy mind retreating to the surface as she cracked her eyelids open. She jolted up, eagerly hoping to escape the remnants of the dream. Instead she waltzed right into an iron grasp. It's strong arms encaged her. It's steel like fingers dug into her skin, refusing to let her go.

Miranda panicked. Her mind frantic as she thought of escape plans.
The familiar scent of cinnamon cut through her thoughts. Her mind unable to function as she greedily inhaled, allowing the scent to calm her.
She breathed a sigh of relief. Her previous thoughts of escaping disappearing as she gazed into familiar green depths.

He looked back at her. His eyes transfixed on hers. An unknown emotion filtering through its stormy depths.

"What are you doing?" She asked. Her voice hoarse due to her unwanted nightmare.

Nathaniel blinked. Shock etched on his face as he realised how close they were. He abrubtly retreated, murmuring a quick "sorry" as he relocated himself against the wall.

His eyes hardened, his expression stoic and composed. The tenderness he once housed disappeared, vanishing into thin air.

"I came home to find you sobbing in your sleep . Do you want to talk bout it ? "

She shook her head . Face flushed in embarrassment as she wiped away her tears. Great ! Nathaniel saw her crying . Now he would definitely think of her as a baby .

Her stomach rumbled . Embarassed , she glanced at Nathaniel to see a small smile appearing on his face .

"Come . Breakfast is ready . I hope you like fish . Oh and I left your clothing near the bed ."

Her clothing ? But she didn't bring any clothes .

She stetched her muscles , wiping away the remnants of sleep as she picked up 'her clothing '

It was a sleek black jumpsuit . Similar to the one worn by catwoman . The material was stretchy . Providing her with enough room for movement . It was lined with with a layer of fur , giving her ample insulation against the cold. A thin belt sat on the waist . Metal hoops dangling from it . A pair of black combat boots rested near the bed . It's rim lined with the same fur that was used in her suit.

All in all , the suit was beautiful . Thick enough to protect her against the cold but stylish enough to still allow her to feel pretty . But it wasn't hers.

Having nothing else to wear , she hesitantly put on the suit making sure to secure the luminous under her clothing . Relishing the feel of it on her skin as she made her way to the kitchen , prepared for some answers.

Hey guys .

Here's another chappie. 
Hope u enjoyed .

Love u lots
~♡Tassy E~

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