Chapter 22 ( Answers - part two)

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Miranda was greeted by a welcoming sight.  Nathaniel stood in the middle of the room.  His body demanding attention as he effectively turned the fish over the heated flame. 
A thin, cotton shirt stretched across his torso, the material clinging to his broad shoulders. 
Miranda gulped, her cheeks overheating as she stared.  Her body frozen like the ice that coated the walls. 

She cleared her throat . Halting her disastrous thoughts and effectively gaining his attention .

"Nathaniel , where did you get these clothes from ? They aren't mine.  "

Nathaniel stared at her in a daze . Mouth slowly agape as he drank her in.  His eyes slowly raked her figure and Miranda felt the urge to cover herself as she felt his eyes roam accross her body .

A light blush coated her cheeks as his gaze finally met hers . His eyes looked different . No longer mischievous , it now held a hint of something else. Something that made butterflies erupt in her tummy and caused her toes to curl .

She cleared her throat once more. Watching as he blinked . Eyes unfocused as he snapped out of his daze. 

He smirked . His eyes losing the foreign emotion that it once held .
"You clean up pretty well little Griffin . Especially for a woman that was crying a few minutes ago ."

And he was back . Back to his usual cruel self .

"Those clothes are yours . It is the attire of the Griffins . Each person has their own . So this one belongs to you . "

"Come ."  He gestured towards the table . Two plates of steaming food in hand as he sat down .

But Miranda was not interested in food at the moment . Rather she demanded answers.

"You owe me answers." She said . Chin raised defiantly. 

He chuckled . "Is that so . And what is it that my little Griffin wishes to know ?"

"Stop calling me that ! I am most definetly not little . I'm an adult so treat me like one !" She demanded. It wasn't even midday and he had already angered her .  What a wonderful way to start a morning .

"Oh but you forget that I am much older than you . So In my eyes , you will always be little no matter how grown up you claim to be . Plus your whining and low level of mataurity does very little to support your claim . "

Ugh . That was it . He pulled the last straw of her patience. 

"Can you just stop with your rude remarks ."

"That depends , will you ever  stop being annoying ."

Seeing that this was definetly going nowwhere , she decided to suck it up .
Her answers were more imprtant than her pride .

"Why did you leave so early yesterday ? I waited most of the night but you never returned . "

Nathaniel shifted . "I told you . I had to get firewood . It was getting really cold in here ." He uncomfortably fiddled with his fingers .

Ya right ! As if ! Miranda was a woman of intelligence so she could smell a lie when she saw one.

"Why exactly am I here , in Trovian"

He relaxed . Obviously this was a question he could handle. 

"You are here because it is your duty as a Griffin Hunter. I'm sure you are aware of Rouland and the missing jewels . "

She nodded .

"You have to now locate these jewels and return it to the luminous , your neckalce  , visiting different kingdoms in search of the different jewels in order to fill the spaces on your necklace . Once the necklace is full , you will finally posess enough power to deafeat Roualnd and bring peace to the 7 kingdoms . "

"But how will I know where to look . I mean look at this place . It's huge . The jewel could he hiding anywhere . "

Nathaniel scratched his head in thought.  "Didn't you receive the map ? "

Map . What map ? All she remembered was a riddle , with words that she found hard to recall.

Miranda shook her head .
"I did hear a riddle though  . When I was trapped in the topaz jewel, I heard voices whisper a riddle . I think it was some sort of clue.  "

"Huh?  A riddle ?! " Nathaniel mummured , confusion etched on his face . " It seems different for you. Instead of having the map ,leading you directly to the jewel , you are being provided with a riddle . I'm not gonna lie , this makes things a little tougher.  Do you remeber the riddle ? "

Miranda closed her eyes. Trying to recall the riddle but all she could hear was the roaring of the hurricane as it enveloped her .  Why must her memory always fail her at the worst times .

"Don't force it . I'm sure it will come back to you at the necessary time . Oh and it  seems like you were sucked into Abisian , the sun kingdom ."

Aha . Just as she thought . She totally deserves a pat on the back for that .

"Nathaniel why did you say that you were surprised when I shot lightning out my hand . Even Agatha seeemd a bit shocked.  Is it not normal for a Griffin to do that ?"she asked . Her face scrunching in confusion.

"You , little Griffin are something else entirely . Firstly you receive a riddle instead of a map and then you kill a woman using superpowers , which If i might add are extremely cool " he winked causing her face to heat up.
"But highly unusual.  Griffins are not supposed to have any extra abilities , accept for their acute scent of smell and their accurate tracking skills. So i guess that makes you a special case ."

"Ugh.  Don't call me that . You make me seem like a retard or something  ." She replied ,groaning .

"Hmm well judging by your lack of mental capabilities ,you aren't far off . "  he joked .

She glared at him . Casting him a look colder than ice. 

"Fine.  Im sorry ." He replied . Lifting his hands in mock surrender . "Why don't you finish your breakfast and if you have more questions ,i can answer it when I come back from hunting . "

"Fine.  But make sure you come back early this time . "

He smiled at her . Taking a small bow as he exited the cabin .


Hiii guys .
Here's another chapter .
Hope u enjoyed ❤❤

Q: wats ur fav cartoon ??


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