Chapter 14 (Reality or vivid imagination?)

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"Randa ! " Randa wake up !

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"Randa ! " Randa wake up !

Tiffany's sweet voice filtered through Mirandas ears , silently coaxing her awake .

"Five more minutes Tiffany ."moaned Miranda , causing a giggle to escape Tiffanys throat .

Wait a minute ! Tiffany ! As In her best friend ! 

Mirandas eyes snapped open . Chocolate  orbs eagerly searching for her best friend . She rubbed her eyes , unable to believe that her friend was actually here , praying that this was not a dream . But this was no illusion  or dream . Tiffany sat next to her. As real as day . Her very real hand gently resting on Mirandas shoulder .

Without thinking twice , Miranda  leapt into Tiffany's arms ,desperate for a hug . Craving the normalacy that only her best  friend could provide .

"Easy there redhead ."giggled Tiffany . " I missed you too , but its only been an hour since I last saw you . "

An hour ! But how could that be ? Surely she was gone for longer than that ? And how did she get out ?

"Randa , are you okay. You seem shaken . You are as white as a sheet and you are trembling . I tried calling your house phone several times but  there was no  answer . So I called your cell and you picked up sounding extremely stressed . You were crying and asked me to rush over . So I did and I was alarmed when I found you passed out on the floor .
Are you sure everythings okay ?"

Tiffany gazed at her expectantly , awaiting  an answer . An answer that Miranda did not have . Was she okay ? Most definitely not . Besides what was she to tell Tiffany .
'Hey Tiff . Nope I'm terrible . I just found out that I'm a Griffin Hunter and I hunt for jewels . Last night I was trapped in a tiny jewel and was chased by a monster before collapsing in a hurricane that spoke to me . Oh and a lady lives behind my mirror , guarding a massive library . Did I also mention that we are all gonna die . " 

Ya  , so not going to happen . Her best friend would consider her crazy and her insane talk would only lead her to the asylum .

"I'm okay Tiff . I think Im just stressed out from work . Honestly I don't even remeber calling you . But thanks for coming anyway . "

"Chill . You don't have to thank me Randa . Besides that's what friends are for...right . Now why don't you clean up and maybe we can order something for dinner ."

"Sounds great!" Miranda replied . Desperately hoping that the smile plastered on her face seemed genuine. 

"Let me freshen up and I'll  meet you in the kitchen "

Miranda slowly got to her feet . Her balance unsteady as she made her way to the bathroom. Splashing water on her face , she stared at her reflection .
Tiff  Was right . She did look terrible .
Black rings circled her bloodshot eyes . Her cheeks were puffy and slightly bruised and her sweaty mane clung to her scalp .

Her heart still raced from her  recent nightmare and Miranda wondered if it was just a nightmare . Probably she fell of to sleep in the Equinox and imagined the whole thing . But the dream felt too real . And that explanation didn't account for the bruises  that lay hidden beneath her clothing or for the soil that sat beneath her nails .

What was going on lately ? She felt as if she was losing her mind . Even if the nightmare was real , how did she escape ? And where was the jewel ?

She hoped that Tiffany didn't think was insane . Hell, even Miranda was questioning  her sanity . She studied her face once more . She could use concealer to hide the slight bruising but her muscles still ached from her marathon and her body was exhausted .

All she wanted to do was curl up in a ball  and sleep the night  away , hopefully In a dreamless slumber but Tiffany was here and after almost being cut off from civilisation  , whether it being a dream or not , she decided to  indulge and maybe she could have the  Friday evening that she wanted . One without sweaty under arms, pounding hearts or grotesque monsters trailing her every footstep

Hey guys .

Here's another chapter .

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