chapter 10 (Ghastly Revelations )

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Miranda sank into the heavenly body of the plush , leather chair . A tired sigh escaping her mouth as the days events rained down on her .

There was another murder. Nothing too brutal . Nothing unexpected. In fact it looked just like any other regualr corspe. A thin , frail body tethering on the dangerous tightrope of life. A frayed chord that separates life from death . One wrong move or unsteady footing and that's the end of it . No restarts.

Unfortunately for him , he did exactly that . He was a junkie who spent most of his days trapped within the illusion of a better life . A better reality . But everything in life has it's consequence and he soon died in a typical , unexciting manner . A drug overdose .
The cause of death seemed to normal . Too mundane . Too expected , boring even ,and with all the crazy things occuring in Miranda's life , she deemed it too good to be true . It just seemed too easy .

Unfortunately Mirandas predictions solidified and Upon further inspection , she uncovered a ghastly revelation . A terrifying connection . And she prayed to God that she was mistaken .

For there , engraved on his shrunken , bald skull , sat the same symbol that gave her goosebumps . The same symbol she had seen etched on the corpse of Timothy Marshall . An exact replica .

Miranda wished it was merely coincidental . But for someone who didn't believe in coincedince, it was hard to convince herslf any different .

So here she sat , in the woody confinements of the Equinox , a pile of books resting beside her as her fingers manouvered between the pages of ancient books . Books that she once considered to be nothing more than fairytales . Stories told to young ones before retiring for the night . She found it ironic ,that the books she once disregarded and considered unimportant , now resembled the key to discovering herself and the hidden world that surrounded her .

Her eyes zeroed in on a title that grasped her attention , her fingers abruptly halting as her mouth traced the words .

"The symbol resembles the End of Creation . It was created by Rouland (Fallen God and ruler of Agrelissa , the fire realm ) . In an effort of world domination , Rouland constructed an army of grotesque beings , monsters whom he named The Cleansers . They are responsible for ruthlessly murdering the keepers and aiding Roualnd in his mission of attaining the jewels to erase the entire human race ,in order to create a world wherein Rouland is God . He wishes to fashion a world driven by fear and pain . A world which he alone dominates and controls . It is said that Rouland is immortal , unable to be touched by sword or fist.  However it is prophesied  that only the last descendents of the Griffins truly posess the power and strength to destroy Rouland and rid our world of this vile abomination ."

Miranda shuddered ,fingers trembling as she sealed the book . It seems like she was correct . The symbol unfortunately wasn't some tattoo that she hoped started trending amongst the youth , it was much worse . It was tied to Rouland ... and anything that was tied remotely to Rouland was dreadful .

She sighed . The book only reinfored her importance in this whole saving the world thing and she was once more reminded of how much people relied on her . It was daunting , to believe that people placed the entire fate of their world on her shoulders. . And to make matters worse , it wasn't  one world that required rescuing but 7 . Seven world that relied on her skills and expertise. Sure , what could go wrong ?

Realising that she had no say in this matter , she decided to suck it up and approach this whole situation with different eyes.  Putting on her big girl pants , she decided to view this rationally , opting to use her skills as a detective

But before becoming Detective Miranda Evaheart , she first had to come to terms with what she has learnt and must finally allow herself to accept her destiny instead of running away from it , for that is the only way to deal with this situation .  After embracing her destiny in a warm and comforting hug, Miranda decided to search for the jewels that created this whole mess.  Surely her ancestors retrieved a few by now ?

She scoured the surface of the oak desk . Her fingers trailing the wooden edges , searching for any hidden contraptions or concealed drawers . Her fingertips skimmed the polished wood before finally encountering a groove . It was small , barely noticable ,hidden undernath the oak desk .

She fingered it , tracing its smooth surface . Pressing a button that lay hidden inside, she watched in sheer amazement as a hidden drawer sprang open . Consisting of nothing more than a velvet box .

She breathed in deep , cautiously blowing the dust of off it shiny surface and was blinded by what lay beneath.  Inside sat  three jewels . Emerald , garnet and topaz .

She watched mesmerized as the jewels sparkled , beckoning her closer . Like a moth drawn to a flame , she was entrapped . Carefully resting the topaz jewel in her palm , she watched in awe and amazemet as the jewel began to glow . Her eyes greedily drinking  in its beauty as the jewel captivated her . Drawing her into its warmth. ...and before she knew it,  she no longer stood in the embrace of the woody Equinox but in the cold depths of the jewel itself .   


Hey guys. 

Ooh  and dem plot thickens . Lol.

Hope you guys enjoyed .
Click dem star if u did .

Until we meet again

Love yourll more than jewels .


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