Chapter 8 (Ava)

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Miranda was met with cold , desolate silence

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Miranda was met with cold , desolate silence . The torches that lined the walls ignited , its reddish -orange flames dancing along the cement walls.

She took a deep breath . Silently willing herself to walk on . The embers burnt bright in the darkened hallway , its shadows becoming obdurate , mocking Miranda as she walked by .

Miranda gulped as she stared at the path that rolled before her . It was daunting . The narrow passageway seemed to lengthen , seeming to have no end. The crude walls seemed to prick at her skin.
Goosebumps appearing as cold drafts of air whipped passed her.

She gazed once more at the pathway ,but it was only as daunting as before . Miranda felt light - headed. Layers of sweat coating the thin material of her top. She took deep breaths , greedily inhaling the air like a starved man.

Her breathing became laboured as she walked on . Her legs feeling more dead than alive. She felt claustrophobic , suffocated . Beads of sweat dripping down her forehead as she felt her legs give out .

She crumbled to the cold floor. Her body sprawled across the cemented floor, its coldness cooling her feverish skin.
She lay there , helpless. Her body unable to move . Her eyelids drooping of their own accord as she drifted off into a deep and unwakable slumber.


Miranda awoke with a sigh , burying her face deeper into the silky matress that soothed her aching muscles.

Wait a minute .....mattress? Silky bedding ?

Her eyes snapped open . Her body rigid as she bolted up in alarm . Her chocolate brown orbs surveyed her surroundings as she tried to gather her bearings .

She lay upon a pool of liquid gold . The bed as vast and endless as the ocean . The rich , velvety gold bedspread melted between her fingertips as she held it . Its silky texture beckoning her to once more bury herself in it .

Miranda rubbed her sore temples as the events of yesterday flooded her mind . A wave of nausea washed over her as an image of the darkened, narrow pathway swam in her vision .

She felt dehydrated and so opened her mouth to call for help , but was surprised at the scratchy and raspy voice that exited it .
She coughed desperately trying to clear her parched throat , when the door to the bedroom opened.

A women walked in and Mirandas eyes grew wide in recognition as she recognized her as the woman that was in the mirror.
The woman smiled , silently handing Miranda a glass of water.

"T-thank you ."replied Mirand as she hastily gulped down the water.

"Who are you?"

"I am Ava . Lady of the mirror and Guardian of the Equinox."The woman answered.

"Equinox. What in God's name Is that ..and where exactly am I "

"Forgive me for not explaining madam. The Equinox is an ancient library that belonged to the Griffins . I am it's protector and have been guarding it for centuries ,anxiously awaiting your arrival . "

Creepy much.

"Oh , and to answer your latter question : you are in the mirror world , the world of reflection . I found you passed out in the hall and took the liberty of bringing you here "

"The mirror world ?"

"Yes madam . The world that exists beyond the layer of glass that rests upon walls. "

"Does every mirror conceal another world ?" Miranda asked perplexed .

"Most mirrors do. "

"And you say that I am a Griffin..... what pray tell is that ?"

Ava eyes widened in surprise.

"Forgive me madam ..but I was informed that Eleena already enlightened you about that."

Eleena ? . Miranda tasted the familiar word on her tongue . Eleena . Ah yes. The woman of Somnium . She remebered it now .

"Eleena has requested that i show you the Equinox for you are ready . Do not fear madam . I am here and will guide you to the best of my abiliy . I trust that you will return our world to its once prosperous state ."

Miranda stared at the young woman , at her eyes that glinted with unmasked hope and joy.

How can I refuse her? I mean look how happy she is . Miranda thought in dismay .

So with a small smile and shaky palms , she nodded and sealed her fate .

"I shall do my best ."

Her fellows Griffins .
Sup my homies . Lol

Q: do yourll have any phobias ?? ( I honestly think I'm philophobic n claustrophobic )

Love yourll more than I love the joker.

Btw do your magic n make that star orange .

~♡TassyE ~

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