Twenty - Three

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THE White Top's Band began to play a soft tune. Melodic and gentle. The lights shone brightly on me like they have always done, yet this time I paid no mind to them.

I paid no attention to the crowd.

No thoughts of Samil scattered my mind.

The only thing running through my veins was the thought of freedom. Of being away from this place. The idea of being able to do whatever I pleased. I thought of a world that was better than the circus. I thought of a life of my own. A better life. Because I deserved that. I did.

Through the days.
Through the days.
Simply tied up forever.

I looped my feet the way Yana had taught me too. Securing my weight on the silks. My arms stretched up above me, my body following through with a flip. The audience gasped.

Under moons.
Under skies.
Convinced her she would never be tethered.

In a smooth movement I unhinged my feet free, wrapping the slack around my hips. I stretched out and used my momentum to thrust forward. My body glided above he crowd.

She's burst of a light,
You wished to yourself.
She's a song in the night.
You personally kept.

Just when I reached the climactic notes, I freed my legs from the silk, using my arms as the supportive structures. I opened my body, extended my arms and continued to sing.

Through the days.
Through the days.
Stuck here forever.

Under moons.
Under stars.
What will become of you when it's over?

She's a burst of light.
You had hoped to be shown.
She's the voice you found.
No intent to let go.

In a final act of rebellion and adrenaline, I wrapped my waist in the silk. Rising higher and higher...and then I let go.

She's the voice you found.
No intent to let go.

Let go.
Let go.
Through the days.
Under skies.
Let go.

Just inches from the ground I rose, reaching up to lift myself. The movement waved through through the silk, sending me backwards into the centre. My feed grazed the floor as I slid.

The music stopped.
The lights dimmed.
The audience roared.


When lights went off, and Samil stammered on stage, I ran towards Manuel and Rene.

Their faces were splattered with a mixture of shock and pride.

"What was that?!" Rene laughed.

I smiled. "I don't know. I just - I just needed to do it."

Rene wrapped me in her arms. "Well it was wonderful!"

"Bad news though," Manuel leaned in. "Boss isn't too happy about it."

I followed his finger as it pointed towards an agitated man. Samil's face was spitting with anger, the creases under the white makeup grew deeper and his black lined frown could be seen for miles.

The audience in front of him stood in their seats, some angered by the less vulnerable act, others thrilled requesting I returned.

"Best keep yourself in the public eye..." Manuel suggested.

Some portion of me wanted to remain carefree, the same way I was up in the air. Yet, a larger part of me wanted to maintain safe and follow through with Manuel's suggestion. I nodded. 

"Well, come on then," Rene nudged. "The show's about to close. We don't want to run into Samil right now."

In a swift motion Rene grasped my hand and led me out towards the crowd. Men and women gathered as fast as they could around me. Some reached towards me, their fingers barely touching my skin. I dodged as they came, yet no matter where I looked I could not escape the stares. I hated every single set of eyes on me. 

Suddenly, Samil could be spotted from the space of the main stage curtains. My heart raced, my palms began to sweat, and I was consumed in complete fear. The people around me began to close in, and there was barely enough room to breathe, let alone escape the ringleader. 

A gentle face then emerged from the crowd. Marius shyly approached us, dodging between the onlookers. He opened his mouth, ready to say something - but the ringleader was much faster. 

"What were you thinking?!" Samil harshly whispered at my ear. His hands locked around my upper arm, squeezing tightly.

"Let go." Rene growled. 

Samil's eyes never left my face. "Stay out of this." He snarled 

I tried my hardest to pull away, but Samil's grip only grew stronger. "Let go!" I yelled. 

He smirked evilly - almost in a mocking manner. 

"Let go." I repeated. 

Samil laughed, loud and harsh. His eyes squinted with anger, his body stiffened with power and I felt my self freeze in consumed fear. 

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