interactive story

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Hi guys! In the spirit of all the interactive story AUs online recently (Outcast, Psychotic, et cetera), I have decided to make my own!! I think it will be a fun, new experience, and I will be able to share my writing in new ways.

It will include EXO, and other idols, so please participate!!

Unknown Suspect

You will be controlling 19 year old Jessie, who is victim to a dangerous stalker. Play your cards right, and you can save them and their friends, but make the wrong choices, and things could be disastrous. Can you discover the stalker before time runs out?

Updates will be posted daily at roughly 2 PM CTZ, so check my Twitter @ TraumerxLiebe and Instagram @ traumerliebedich to read the story and participate in polls! The characters depend on you, can you get them through the next week(s) safely?

♡ Played ♡ - Park JiminWhere stories live. Discover now