Part 18

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David was closed to shouting. He took his time: Waiting for his composure. "That you were going to contest the bloody terms." David pointed out in exasperation.

Why is it that this woman simply did not react the way most women would? No one in their right mind would simply hand over half of their business, no matter what its size. No one would hand over a business they had built from scratch without fighting to keep hold of it. Yet his wife was taking no steps to contest his right to take half of the business she had built.

David did not need her business. It was thriving he knew that. But it did not fit into his business portfolio, and in reality it was financially nothing more than pocket change for him. He simply did not need access to any share of her business. He did not want her business.

That was not his reason for instructing his lawyers to act. But once again his wife had not reacted as expected.

Beatrice sighed quietly, as she contemplated the ramifications. She knew David had the resources to clean her out. Knew that fighting him would be futile. She turned to look at him, tipped her head to one side as if she was studying him, as she said more loudly, "With what? Money?" Beatrice turned away, knowing that her eyes would give away the fact that she was incensed. Then she murmured. "My resources against yours? Really?" She glanced over her shoulder, her eyebrows quirked in frosty disdain before she looked away again, "So instead of you cleaning me out, I'd need to employ a lawyer to whittle away my income? In either case I loose financially." She shook her head, snorted without any concern and added with a long-suffering sigh and reluctant concession, "You want half of what I have. Go ahead. Take it." She added quietly just for her ears, "But I will keep my sanity!"

Though it would be peanuts in his world, given his wealth. That's what she found disappointing. That this man would come after her assets when there was simply no need. How much money did one need? Her profit margins for the year were probably his profit margins for the day or week at a push! They operated in completely different ballparks. There was no reason to come after her assets.

David simply did not understand her acquiescence. Why wasn't she fighting for her business? Her home?

"You'd have to sell." He told her. He looked around, gestured, "This place for a start. It would have to go. Or you'd have to buy me out if you want to hold onto it. Pay me off for my half." He pushed, trying to prompt her into seeing that she had a lot to loose.

Beatrice looked at him, her eyes now chipped with ice, "Your half? She muttered. She shook her head, disdain evident in her tone and her eyes, "I've been manipulated once before, see how well that's turned out. I'm not planning on allowing a second bite of me." She turned fully, and faced him head on.

She folded her arms defensively even as she tipped up her chin pugnaciously, and her jet black eyes were now glowing like hot coals. They watched each other. They waited.

It was Beatrice who eventually said, "I've never thought of you as vindictive or greedy." He blinked. "Aloof. Yes. Determined. Yes. Mean. No. Spiteful. No." Her disregard and disrespect was obvious. "But you want half of this?" She shrugged with feigned insouciance. "Fine. Ok." Beatrice's eyes flashed. "I'll put it on the market." She saw the shock in his eyes. She continued resolutely. "I can start over." It would be difficult. But she was not going to be held to ransom. "I will find somewhere smaller and restart with my half share. Or I can rent if I can't afford to buy anything suitable in the short term." Beatrice told him, her chin tipped in full temper, her jet black eyes flashing with open hostility. "My business is peanuts in comparison with yours. It's a viable business. Growing steadily. You want half. Fine, go ahead, take it."

His eyes caught and held her gaze. The heat seared as if it was a physical touch.

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