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I put on a pair of black converse and grabbed the keys + my backpack and was ready to head out the door. I turned all the lights off and bit onto a red apple as breakfast. I can't be late first day of school. I quickly ran downstairs and nearly tripped over when my phone rang.
"Oy, Cami. You comming. I can't hold the bus longer. The driver is very impatient" Laurel said.
" I'm on my way" I said haning up my phone.
I saw the bus and ran towards it. My legs were about to collapse anytime soon. Laurel gave me a hand and dragged me in. She gave her seat to me and I panted so loudly the whole bus stared at us.
We arrived just in time for our lecture and sat down wherever it was a free chair. I took the front desk beside Abby. The teacher walked in.
"Good moring students. As you know new year new beginning. Impress me!" He said.
Great. We had math as our first subject. I got F in math so it wasn't hard, but try concentrating when 15 other people are sobbing and throwing paper at each other. Mr. Ackermann explained sqareroots when we heard a knocking at the door. The principal walked in with a letter in his hand bringin in a student in the classroom. Mr. Ackermann read through the papers and nodded at the principal and he left. Then all eyes were on the boy. He had black suspenders and a white button up shirt on. He had brown messy hair, he looked at the floor so I couldn't see more.

"Class this is Leo Valdez your new classmate. Will you be kind enough to interduse yourself." Mr.Ackermann said.
"Ehm.. Hey. I'm Leo. I like skateboarding and enjoy helping dad repair stuff at the mecanic shop. Yup I think that's it." He said.
This time I saw his big brown eyes. He was tan. He looked hispanic but he was cute. I saw the other girls already starting to have a crush on him. New boy. That's cool.
He sat at the last row amd continued the class as he had allways been here. When we had break all he girls and boys surrounded him asking questions.
"OMG he's soo sweet. He was born in Texas, and skated scince 6th grade." Laurel fangirled.
"Great" I said. But really I couldn't care less.
"Camila! Stop resisting. It only shows that you too like him" she said
"It's first day of school. Really how more cliché can this get"
"Fine. He's mine" she said.

When school was over Laurel and I waited for the bus together with the rest of her friends. I was juat friends with them because Laurel loved them, infact I secretly hated them.
"Hey guuurl, do you have a smoke?" They asked each other.
"What about you Camille? Do you have gum?" They asked me.
"It's CamillAAA." I said "and no I do not have gum." I said annoyed.
They rolled their eyes and flipped their hair at the same time. Broke ass bitches, buying all the costlisest makeuo and designer clothes, but not having enough money for a pack of smoke or gum.
Sometimes I hate being popular. They were loud and noisy everywhere they went. Like it's 9.30 in the morning. Where do you get that energy from?. Freshman feared us when we came. They aren't the worst. They will allways save you if you got in trouble by beating them up. So it was somethimg good. I got used to this life, but it annoyed me.
When Leo came everyone had a mini race, running first to him. They were so fake when they talked to him. Smiling. Acting smart.
"I found a cigarette. " I shouted to them.
Leo heard me. They didn't. When he looked at me I could see 7 pair of eyes hissing at me. God it was scary.
"Camille.. come over here" a blonde girl said.
"Shut up, Sophie! It's Camila. When you know my name talk to me." I said annoyed.
I was lucky this time. If she cared I would have been sent to the slaughter.
The bus came and we all hopped on. Everyone left, until it was just me and Leo on the bus. He came towards me and sat opposite me.
"Hey. Are you mad at me?" He said.
"No, just tired" i said.
He looked at his watch and said "owkay"
"Why didn't you talk to me?"
"Do you feel like you need the whole world's attention!" I said defencefully. He was annoying.
"No, I want your attention" he said.
I didn't know what to say.
"So... you smoke?" He asked.
"My friends do, They don't influence me." I said.
"You said you had pack of smoke"
"I lied. Trying to get their attention."
He chuckled.
"That's my stop. Have to go." He said.

Thank god he left. He annoyed my soul. I got out of the bus and walked home. I sat in my room staring at my homework, hoping they could do the work themselves while annoying spoilt brats texted me every second.

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