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Carlos came down and I ran to him.
"Is he alright.?" I asked.
Yes, he is in his room. I ran up the stairs, trying not to fall. Leo layed on his bead sleeping. I sat down on the bed next to hin stroking his hair. I had a hard time holding my tears back.
He opened his eyes.
"Hey," he said
"Hi" I said smiling.
"You're alive."
He sat up on his bed and wiped my tears.
"Yes. I am.." he said.
He looked at my hands, they were red and sore and had black smudges.
"Sorry.." he said
"I don't want to cause a new panic attack, but what happened?" I asked him.
"This is going to be a lot to take in.." he said.
I was listening carefully.
"I'm a vampire." He said.
My eyes scrunched together making many wrinkles on my face.
"Just kidding" he said laughing.
"I'm Hephestus's son. As in greek God Hephestus." He said.
"Wait what?"
He's kidding with me again. He was really going on my nerves. He nearly died and all he has to say is that he's not a vampire.
"Yep." He said. "You heared me"
"Oh. Cool. And I'm Rose Granger. Hermione and Ron's daughter." I said.
"It's truuuuee" he said.
He lifted my chin up so I looked at his eyes. Suddenly he snapped his finges and his fingertips ignited making a small fire appear in mid air. I ran away to the door.
"NO, No. Not possible" i said again and again to myself.
He came towards me saying "huush"
"don't fuckings touch me" I said. Holding a book infront of me. Don't ask me, I don't know how to use it as a weapon either. Leo held his arms uo in a surrendering position.
"You have to believe me. Now come in and relax" Leo said.
His voice had a relaxing feeling, and I sat on a sacco sack next to the desk.
"Greek gods fall in love with mortals and have children with them. I am the only son of Hephestus left. " he said.
I still had no reaction.
"What about her?, she also a goddess?" I asked.
He followed my gaze, and understood who I was talking about.
"No. Calypso, is the daughter of Atlas. The Titan Atlas."
"Brilliant. Now there are Titans too. Are you sure Hogwarts don't exist?"
"Why are you even telling me this?"  I asked him.
"Because, you can see my red glowing eyes when I'm about to start a fire. And you can see that it's I who starts the fires. And also you saw my red burning body, soo yeah. You deserve knowing this" he said.
I felt stupid. I felt like a fool, but I had no other choice but to believe him.
"Do you have any more powers?"
"Mostly Pyrotelekinisis,  but aside from the other Demigod abilities there are nothing more"
"There's more people like you?" I said.
He nodded.
"You're right it's a lot to take in." I said.
"I really have to go now." I said.
"I understand" he said.
I picked up my jacked and went out. It looked like I've seen a monster, but it would have been better seeing a monster.

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