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His room was big. Two times bigger than mine. The walls were grey and the other funitures where black. He had a black Gibson guitar in the left corner of his room and a bookshelf beside filled with books and comics. At the opposite end was his queen sized bed. Leo sat on his working desk.
"What are you struggling with?"
I walked to him and put my backpack on his bed taking out the books. I sat in a comftable chair next to him and went through my problems.
"Algerbra is destroying my brain" I said.
"Just think of X as something unknown. Ypu want to find the value of it. Let's start with an easy task.
4+X= 6"
"It's 2" I said. " X is 2."
"That's correct,but tou have to write the algorithm corect" he said.
He wrote it down and helped me more with Geometry and every math thing.
I couldn't help to notice the picures he had on his wall. It was him and another beautiful girl kissing holding hands or just single selfies with her.
Leo's taking was just background noice, all I could focus on was the girl. She was sooo beautiful. Her skin glowed, I would pay anything for that highlighter. And her hair. God. Rapunzel had a new rival. She had caramel colored hair and brown eyes complimenting each other.
"She is a beauty isn't she.? Aphrodite had no meaning compared to her?" He said.
That was a weird oponent, but okay.
"She is smart, and fun, and. And...." he stammered.
"And pretty..." I said trying to finish his sentence.
"BEAUTIFUL" he said.
I held my mouth shut just listening to him talking 'bout this girl
"Her hair. Plus her smile. Aaaahhhh" he said nearly fainting. He looked like those girls crushing on him.
" what's her name?" I asked.
"Calypso." He said.
"Is she your girlfriend?." I asked.
I did mean it this time,  no one could describe a girl like that unless you are madly in love.
"No.." he said.
His face went sad, he looked at the ground.
"Oh. You guys broke up?" I asked him
"No, she died in a car crash" he said. Wiping a tear of his eye.
"I'm truly sorry" I said. I felt horrible for asking him that.
"It's okay" he said quickly putting a smile on his face.
"Food is ready" Esmé yelled from the kitchen.
I ate my stomach full and went back to his room to grab my backback. Leo stood by the door following me out.
"Come around some other day" he said.

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