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Days passed and I ignored the girls for as long as I could. Leo's friends were loosing the attitude and I spent most of my simes in stupid studyclubs with them.
"Why are you ignoring me" Laurel shouted.
We looked around trying to see where the sound came from. Laurel was speed walking towsrds us in her red high heels. Hope she breaks an ankle on the way.
"What is your problem,Camila?" She asked.
"Nothing, I don't want to talk to you" I said. I looked at the ground and got a feeling of guilt. I really didn't want to have that conversation.
"NO! YOU TELL ME." She screamed.
"Lower your voice," Annabeth said.
"No you shut up" Laurel said.
Percy did something with his hands makimg the fountains turn on, and Annabeth held his hands it stopped.
"What do you want?" I asked her. I put on my most annoyed face just for her.
"You are so ungratefull?" "We are so kind and.. and supportive around you and this is our thanks." She said.
"Who are ypu talking for.? Is it aboit you or your friends.? Just so you know I hate all of you!" I said.
Laurel pierced her eyes giving me the bitch look.
"You were never there for me. I know you heared me scream.." I said.
She quicly stated at the ground.
"But.. Um.. you are just... just..." she stammered.
"Are you going to finish those scenetences?" Leo asked.
"It was like 2 months ago. It doesn't matter" She said.
"THERE YOU SEEEE. Isn't it obvious. You only care about yourself! I was nearly raped, and all you could do is get more drinks."
"Well I'm sorry. I was drunk" She said.
"Let's go guys. I swear I'm going to throw a book at ypu if you continue following me. That is my last warning to ypu Laurel, or I swear I will go to the police about Malia's little party!" I said to her.
Laurel went blank and still had her bitch look. Annabeth pacled her backpack and we left the library.

We went to Leo's house, it's the only place Laurel can't find us.
"I forgive you" George said.
"Thank you" I answered.
I was not going to blow this friendship away. I had earned all of their trust, and I was not gpimg to stab their backs.

Break My Heart InsteadOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant