Chapter 11

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Niall:  Hey Elise?

Me:  Yes?

Niall:  Do you have any tattoos?

Me:  Not at the time, no. Why?

Niall:  Idk. Everyone in the band has one but me so Idk

Me:  Well if ur the only one that doesnt have one then that means ur unique

Niall:  Unique?

Me:  What? You stand out. You're clean. This means when we meet I can take a sharpie and draw all over your white skin! Mawhahaha

Niall:  Hey! I'm white but not that white

Me:  True

Niall:  So how's life?

Me:  Pretty good. I'm working on a new song for the market so I hope it sells good.

Niall:  That's cool

Me:  But I don't want to sell it. Its too good for a stranger to sing it

Niall:  Are u going to sing it then?

Me:  No but Uhhh do you think you want it? For like ur band?

Niall:  I could never do that. Its too good for us

Me:  First, u havent even heard it yet and second you took You and I

Niall:  Well our manager bought You and I so we didn't know and second was the song based off a personal experience?

Me:  Yeah. Not mine but my parents. I remember my dad, my real one telling me stories about he and my mom promised each other in elementary school that it would be them and only them but of course no promise is ever kept and they drifted apart.

Niall:  What do you mean no promise is kept?

Me:  No true promise is kept. Its bound to break at some point in time

Niall:  No

Me:  No what?

Niall:  You're wrong.

Me:  Okay. Tell me one time when someone has promised you something but they failed?

Niall:  Okay not all work out but its not true that all of them don't work out

Me:  Yes it is. Every single promise someone has promised me has been broken.

Niall:  Give me them then?

Me:  Well the first one is that my dad promised to never leave me. He left. And he's never coming back. Promise broken.

Niall:  Elise that sucks but its the same thing with marriage and then divorce. They promise forever but it doesnt always last. Like my parents.

Me:  Second, my mother said that she would never leave me. She got so caught up in her work I never see her anymore. I'm lucky to even say hi to her. Being a scientists sucks

Niall:  That does suck but she's working to provide for you.

Me:  I want my mom not the money. But she doesnt get that. Third,  Stevie, my step dad, promised me that he would never replace my real one. As sucky as he was he did leave me with good memories from birth to age 6. But before I knew it my step dad would introduce me to his friends as his own daughter. He began to do things with me that my real dad did. And now I barely think of him. Promise broken.

Niall:  But he took you in as his own. Shouldnt you be grateful that he cares?

Me:  Of course I am! He went with me to all my father daughter dances and gave me everything my real dad didn't. But there was one thing he could never give me. The feeling you get when you know that everything is going to be okay. My real dad did that. And Stevie wanted to do that, he wanted me to be okay but with my real dad out I could never feel that again. He promised not to replace him and he tried doing that. Unknowingly but still.

Niall:  I can kinda see that.

Me:  Fourth, my best friend in 5th grade promised me when we moved up to another school for 6th grade we would have each other and stick together. The first day of school she got a make over and joined the popular kids while I was alone in band. My only friend broke her promise.

Niall:  That sucks. But just because you've had a few promises broken doesnt mean that all promises are going to be broken

Me:  Niall! You dont get it! These may be a few out of many but these few made huge impacts of my life! When someone promises someone something they give the other person hope. When promises are broken repeatedly then so is hope. I started to lose hope and in high school I went through a rough time of depression that no one could help me out of. That's why I wrote Half a Heart which I recently found out that your band now sings. Music was my cure, it helped me out of everything. Because writing and expressing my feelings for people to hear helped me. But promises are made to be broken.

Niall:  Elise, all I want right now is to fly to where you are and hug you. You are everything to me and I promise you that I will never break a promise to you

Me:  Niall, dont promise me something that you cant keep

Niall:  I will try until death to keep every single promise I make to you true. Everysingle one.

Me:  But why would you do that for someone as broken as me?

Niall:  Because I love you.

Me:  Oh gosh, I'm crying. I love you too Niall. And more than a friend now

Niall:  So I'm not friendzoned anymore?

Me:  Haha, no.

Niall:  Great. And I promise to always be here for you. Whether I'm in ireland or Australia or sitting on your doorstep.

Me:  Now all we need is some cliché background music

Niall:  😂. This is why I love you.

Me:  But I'm so broken and shattered...

Niall: I'm gonna pick up the pieces
And build a Lego house
When things go wrong we can knock it down

My three words have two meanings
There's one thing on my mind, it's all for you

And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got ya to keep me warm
And if you're broken I'll mend ya
And keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on now

I'm out of touch, I'm out of love
I'll pick you up when you're getting down
And out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now

I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind
I'll do it all for you in time
And out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now

Me:  *sniffles tears* You really think you can keep your promise?

Niall:  *wipes off tears* I promise to you that I can

A/N:  Do any of yal have tattoos? And if so then what? Do you think Niall is going to keep his promise?

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