Chapter 18

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Louis:  What????

Niall:  Are you okay?

Liam:  What happened?

Harry:  Are you sick?

Zayn:  Why is my hair so flat today?

Me:  Geez, thanks Zayn. I feel so loved by you

Zayn:  Sorry love. But my hair is super flat.

Me:  I got food poisoning. Never try to make sushi at home. It doesn't turn out well

Harry:  You do know its easier just to buy some

Me:  I'm sorry. I just wasnt in the mood for any human interaction

Liam:  Relatable

Louis:  Is my bitch okay?

Me:  For now

Niall:  What do you mean?

Me:  I'm currently sitting on my bathroom floor next to my toilet. I feel horrible.

Niall:  My poor Eli!!! What do you need? I can order soup for you

Me:  Thanks but I don't feel like eating rn

Harry:  Go lie down

Me:  I am

Liam:  On a bed

Me:  But its so far away..

Louis:  Doesn't the floor hurt?

Me:  So does my stomach

Niall:  It'll be okay

Zayn:  Where's my dry shampoo????

Me:  I love the support Zayn, its too much really

Zayn:  😒. I'm not joking. I can't go out like this

Niall:  We havent seen you at all this morning

Liam:  You do know that we have nothing planned. We're just staying in the hotel

Zayn:  But there's still paps everywhere, my hair needs to be on fleek

Me:  And I need to stay alive. There's so much things I havent done yet! Like try nutella on chicken wings!!! Or pickles with Oreos!!

Louis:  That sounds disgusting

Me:  That's why I want to try it!

Harry:  No wonder you got food poisoning. What do you eat?

Me:  I'd like to consider myself an exotic eater

Liam:  Okayyyy

Me:  I'm listening to the best song rn

Harry:  Is it one of ours?

Me:  Oh gosh no! Its +1 by Tom Mann. Its so soothing. But I wish my name was Danielle now. Brb

Louis:  there's not much where u can go

Niall:  Elise r u okay?

Liam:  E?

Harry:  ELISE!!!!!


Niall:  Elise??

Louis:  Guys I think she's dead

Liam:  Way to go Lou

Louis:  She hasnt responded

Harry:  She could be using the toilet

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