Chapter 27

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Louis:  Huh?

Niall:  Happy 5 month babe😉😘😏

Louis:  Did I miss something?

Me:  What? Why r u texting me at 2 in the morning???

Niall:  Oh gosh, you r so beautiful. I could stare at you for hours

Louis:  Uhhh

Me:  What's going on?

Niall:  I wanna sext u but u would block me so Uggghhh

Louis:  Are you drunk mate?

Niall:  Soooooooo wasted rn

Me:  That explains a lot

Niall:  I'm at the pet store rn

Me:  Cool?

Louis:  What pet store is open at 2 am? Oh wait, ur in America Elise, nvm.

Niall:  Pet Luve

Me:  That place is way overpriced. I tried to buy a collar there online once

Louis:  Go home mate

Niall:  Nah. I'm in my bed

Me:  But I thought you were in a pet store?

Niall:  I am. I'm a dog. And I'm on my dog bed. Woof woof

Louis:  So wasted

Me:  Go home Niall. Let me sleep

Niall:  Can I join u?

Me:  Excuse me?

Niall:  I'm sorry, may I?

Me:  No!!

Niall:  Okay😢

Louis:  You need help

Me:  *snorts* Funny coming from you Lou

Louis:  *puts hand to heart* I take offense!

Niall:  I wanna meet you Eli. And when I do I wanna kiss you

Me:  Okay sure Niall

Louis:  You're going to scare her off Nialler

Niall:  I love you so frickin much

Louis:  Go home

Niall:  I found my pet

Me:  I don't think u should get a pet when ur drunk.

Louis:  Me neither

Niall:  But she's beautiful

Me:  Niall...

Niall:  Not nearly as perfect as you. Oh gosh, I want to eat a burrito with u so bad. But non bean one because ur allergic. Its makes you so hot

Louis:  Totally wasted...

Me:  This is getting weird

Louis:  This was way past weird a long time ago

Me:  True


Louis:  Where ya at mate? Which 24 hour pet store? Imma pick you up

Niall:  No

Louis:  What?

Niall:  You have to pick up Wallice too

Me:  Who?

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