Chapter 22

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Me:  I woke up this morning

Niall:  And I'm glad. I wouldn't know what to do without you

Me:  What? Oh thanks but I wasn't finished. I woke up this morning to find that I bled through my maxi pad and onto my white sheets

Niall:  Ouch. I'm sorry

Me:  They're in the wash now. I hope that they can make it out alive

Niall:  ....

Me:  I had to throw away my sleep shorts and underwear because they were too bloody.

Niall:  Ummmm, Elise....

Me:  Luckily it didn't get through to my mattress because underneath my bed sheets I have an extra layer of fabric just in case.

Niall:  I'm getting uncomfortable

Me:  Oh yeah. Sorry I forgot

Niall:  About what? That I'm a guy? No its just uncomfortable how easily you talk about this stuff

Me:  It's life. And I forgot that you have a dick and not a vagina

Niall:  Ummmmm...

Me:  Oh sorry, do you not have one?


Me:  Oh okay. For a second I was like "ummmmm"

Niall:  That was me this whole time

Me:  I'm an open book. I have lots of chapters, lots of empty pages and am unfinished story

Niall:  Can be apart of your story?

Me:  Oh my sweet little Ni ni, you already are

Niall:  AWEEE💗

Me:  Love you too Ni

Niall:  Can I ask you something?

Me:  Shoot

Niall:  Should I dye my hair lilac?

Me:  Ummm, a random color but you do you dude

Niall:  Dude, ha, such an American word

Me:  What's an Irish word?

Niall:  Lad is I guess

Me:  Cool

Niall:  So...

Me:  So....

Niall:  So.....

Me:  So......

Niall:  So.......

Me:  So........

Niall:  *smirks*  Maybe "so" can be our "always"


Niall:  Oh but I just did

Me:  Fine

Niall:  Fine

Me:  FiNe

Niall:  FiNe

Me:  FiNE

Niall:  FiNE


Niall:  FINE

Me:  *smirks* maybe "fine" will be our "always"

Niall:  Line stealer

Me:  I stole all but 1 word so its not ur exact line

Niall:  Still tho

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