Chapter 14

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Ni ni: Hey Elise?

Me: Yes?

Ni ni: Remember when we were talking about promises?

Me: We were "texting" but yeah whatever?

Ni ni: Uh....

Me: Lemme guess. You can't keep yours. I knew it.

Ni ni: What? No! Its not that. I was just wondering if you could keep a promise too?

Me: I've always kept mine. Its everyone else who leaves and breaks it

Ni ni: Then make me a promise. Promise me that you ever give up on a promise

Me: I can't do that.

Ni ni: A promise?

Me: Ugh, why do you have to be so adorable?

Ni ni: You can't even see me

Me: But I know that somewhere in LA you're doing ur little puppy dog eyes at ur phone, hoping it'll work

Ni ni: You got me *puts hands in air*

Me: I can't make you that promise Niall because I can't keep that one but I'll make you another one. I will promise you that I'll never give up on believing that you'll keep your promises to me. I can do that

Ni ni: Why mine and not anyone else's?

Me: Because I trust you. And even if you break it and I dont know its still worth a lifetime waiting for you to make it up one day

Ni ni: You know you love me😏

Me: You know you care ❤

Ni ni: I didn't think you'd respond to that😂

Me: Oh Niall😂

On other chat withour Niall or Elise

Harry: Do they seriously not remember that we're on their too?

Zayn: Oblivious lovebirds

Louis: Beautiful, oblivious lovebirds

Harry: Crazy in love beautiful oblivious lovebirds

Liam: Wait a sec, did Louis just use correct punctuation?

Louis: What do you mean?

Harry: Ur lucky Elise is Not here😂

Liam: Louis put a coma between 2 adjectives which is proper and Harry didn't

Louis: I am a genius

Zayn: What's 1000×1000?

Louis: 1 with a bunch of zeros after! Now another one!

Harry: He's back.

Liam: How long till they realize they're in love?

Harry: Look at Niall's face over there

Louis: Harry, we can't see his face. He's sitting on the cold, hardwood floor in his captain america PJ's in the corner of the room like he's in time out or something, with his back turned to us while he's texting Elise and laughing his Irish little head off

Harry: But he looks so happy. What type of guy sits in his captain America undies and texts a girl in the corner of a room alone and laughs like a maniac when there's no one around him?

Liam: Someone who is mentally unstable?

Zayn: We can't see his face! We don't even know if he's laughing, he could be silently crying alone in the corner with his face to the walls while he's sitting criss-cross applesauce with a marvel t-shirt and captain America boxers on

Texting Niall Horan???Where stories live. Discover now