Chapter 29

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Me: Good Morning

Niall: Hey

Me: Sorry about not texting you for a week

Niall: Its cool. I was recovering from that massive hangover anyways

Me: For a week?

Niall: No not that long but yeah I've been busy too. Fake girlfriend thing

Me: You found one yet?

Niall: Not yet. But management wants to se Lou up too

Me: Why? Did he not just get out of a relationship?

Niall: Ikr! But they want him to seem like Eleanor wasnt meant for him so the fans don't like her anymore

Me: And lou's reaction?

Niall: He locked himself in his room and he won't come out. He orders take out.

Me: Poor thing

Niall: Yeah. I'm worried for him.

Me: What about you? What's keeping you from doing what Louis is?

Niall: Idk. If I did what he did then I management would cut my cell plan. They did that to Lou. So he can't text anyone now and if that happened to me then I wouldn't br able to text you

Me: Awwwee. I'm actually to listening to your song Moments rn. Its actually good

Niall: "Actually"???

Me: What? You want a bigger compliment?

Niall: Meh. Harry wants to join the chat

Me: Let him

Niall has added Harry back into the chat

Harry: Hey guys

Me: What's up?

Niall: The sky

Me: Oh hardy har har

Harry: Guys I'm not in the mood

Me: What's wrong?

Niall: Is it Lou?

Harry: Ive been thinking

Me: Really? The world is going to end everyone! Harry has been

Harry: Elise!

Me: Okay okay. What's wrong?

Harry: I feel lonely

Niall: I'm sitting right next to you

Harry: Not like that! Like, like there's a missing piece of my heart and its killing me

Niall: That's deep man

Harry: What do I do Elise?

Niall: I'm here too.

Harry: But I'm talking bout a girl problem. And ur a dude

Niall: Fine fine

Me: I think that you should take a break until you either find that missing piece or take time to pull yourself together and then continue on

Harry: So like take a break?

Niall: Umm, we're in the middle of a tour rn

Me: Well I mean don't run away but like take a few days off here and there to spend by yourself and find yourself

Niall: I mean that's what Louis is doing

Harry: Dammit I wish we could just cancel the rest of this tour

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