Chapter 29: The Old Skeletons {with flesh}

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Chapter 29: The Old Skeletons {with flesh}.



'Sir!' said both Arjun and Pawan simultaneously.

Prithvi Mehra was enjoying the expressions on the faces of the daughter and mother so much that he almost smirked at them. If he did that, the purpose of arriving here would have gone futile. He came here to his son, after all and he would be saved from everything he is running away from all these years. But the daughter doesn't look like he had remembered her. She looks different. Did he get the information wrong, then? Apparently not. If it is, his informer is going to get his share of punishment.

He left the glaring of both the women and turned towards his saviours. His son and his side-kick. He was pleasantly surprised to listen that Pawan was the one who brought his son back to the legacy he was destined to be. Whatever the filth the boy is, he is definitely of some good use to him! If not for him or to say precisely, because of him, his son would not have come here and he would not have got a chance to nullify his punishment.

He remembered the boy's mother's face when he tried his luck on her one day. She was horrified first, yes but then she pulled the knife that is nearest to her and told him off. She was feisty, he should give her that, and he thought that quality had brought her on the streets with a new born babe in her hands. When the worthless wife of his found out what he tried to do her faithful servant, she was livid. He thought she will throw him out but didn't because of their son -- his son who was born out of obligation, not out of love.

If the first born babe was not a boy, he should have to bed his worthless wife how many times he didn't want to know. But God was on his side, after all his first attempt got him a son. When he had known that the babe who was to be born is a boy through ultrasound scan, which was not taken as illegal as it is now but still frowned upon those days. But of course, he got his way. He bought the doctor who accepted for this deed without remorse because he was always on these kind of issues and never got found.

Everything went well, his discreet affairs, his mistresses, his lavish lifestyle and the obsession of earning more and more money than he has required until this servant girl blew up everything. From that day on, his wife is never the same. She acted like she is an angel when there is an audience, but turned to smirking evil when they were alone. She even separated their bedrooms, not that he is not happy about the arrangements, but once in a while he wanted to get the assets of his wife and that's not so bad to think considering she is his wife and all. But the lady didn't give him a chance to even touch her and was always in attendance with either his secretary's wife and daughter or the servant girl's son along with his son. He wanted to separate his son from the dirt he was being surrounded with but he couldn't do anything until the power of attorney of the wealth he is entitled to is still in the hands of his worthless wife. So he played along not saying anything to his son when he said the servant girl's boy is his friend now.

No later the words left his son's mouth, his wife made it her life mission to get the boy in the same school his son is studying and made every possible attempt that they stayed together. He will not be so put off if the money that is going for this boy's education was from the charity his wife owns but the money is from the wealth he would get one day or his son is entitled to. He would have throttled his wife if not for the money.

Schooling his expressions to that of a pleasure, he turned towards his worthy son and filthy dirt.

'What is that I am hearing, my son Pawan? I have told you long ago that you are as much as a son to me as is Arjun. In fact, more than Arjun. No offense, beta.' he said turning towards Arjun as if he have offeneded his son, where in fact, he knew his son is not of a jealous type. His mother took care of that emotion very well away from him.

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