"The Real Mr. Daniel Meade."

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Detty Bold and Beauty Chapter 3: The real Mr. Daniel Meade, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction

Detty Bold and Beauty

Chapter 2

I hope like this chapter, please read and review :) Chapter 4 will be up soon

"The Real Mr. Daniel Meade."

In Manhattan, Mr. Daniel Meade, the Editor in Chief of MODE, was on his cell phone talking to the woman he spent the last night with, as he kept calling her sweetie, pumpkin pie, and lovely candy name you can think of. No, it was just because he was a sweet man; it is because he was so drunk from the night before he no clues what her name was. After hanging up the phone, he couldn't wait to see the beautiful assistant he has hired since the last ten assistants he had didn't go well. Then Daniel made his presence know to his new lovely assistant as he made his to her desk, and she was turned towards the view of New York. Then Daniel used his manly voice and said,

"Beautiful View isn't it, but I bet it is not as beautiful as you are."

Then the person turned as Daniel was surprised to see his father Bradford Meade sitting on his assistant's chair as he said, "Why Thank you, son, for saying that, but I don't think that it is appropriate to tell your father."

"Dad, what are you doing here?"

He got up the as followed Daniel into his office, "Well, I was here to check on you, and when saw that you not here, but I have the grace of meeting your assistant Heather, nice-looking woman."

"Yeah, she isn't she." Daniel said, "Speaking of which where she is?"

Bradford replied, "I sent her home."

Daniel shocked, "Dad, why?"

"Daniel, please do you think I am that stupid to let you hired another beautiful woman as your assistant, I don't think so "

"But who is going to be my assistant?" Daniel asked

"Don't worry, I have a new assistant arriving for shortly, and believe me, she is perfect for this position," Bradford said.

Daniel knows this wasn't good, wondering who his dad could have hired.

Betty then enter the main office amaze how big it was it like she enters a different world then a woman said,

"Hello, How may I help you."

Betty turned to talk with the receptionist as she told her, "Hi Betty Suarez, I am here to see Daniel Meade."

"Yeah, uh, listen, Betty, I am Amanda but, you must be mistaken. There is no way Daniel Meade will be able to see you." Amanda told her

Betty asked, "Why is that?"

Amanda giggled, "You got to be kidding, I mean look at you, you are total mix and match fashion disaster, I mean the only way Daniel will see you is if you are either his new assistant or here before and after piece."

Then suddenly an overjoyed stylist man behind Amanda said, "What's the drama ladies..." then he turned and saw Betty; he shocked as he immediately got a cell phone and took a picture of her.

Betty blinded by the flash of light she asked, "Excuse me, who are you? And why are we taken a picture of me."

The man said, "Oh, I'm Marc, and Amanda, you must tell me who this fashion nightmare is?"

Amanda told Marc, "Marc, this is Betsy Torez."

"It's Betty Suarez actually, would just please pointed to Daniel Meade's office."

Marc said, "Oh, just go straight through the tunnel, and his office will be towards the right."

Betty smiled, "Why to thank you, Marc, and it has been nice meeting you both."

Amanda ran out of her reception desk as she runs to slap on the back of the head. As Amanda yelled

"Why in the heck did you lead that woman to Daniel for?"

Marc said, "Because I dying to see her get dissed and dismissed by Daniel Meade himself."

Amanda smiled and said, "Marc, you are a total genius."

Marc replied, "Thank you, but come on, let us go see the embarrassment."

"Right there with you" Amanda

Then Amanda ran through the tunnel, hoping to enjoy watching the sublimation of Betty Suarez.

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