I am sorry

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Detty Bold and Beauty Chapter 22: I am sorry, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction

Detty Bold and Beauty

I know it is late sorry, and I know these next few chapters will pain for Detty fan read, but this has happened in toward to get a detty happy ending which will be coming soon, before the finish there will be at least in two more painful chapters, to deal with it, but I promise to give a detty I think you will love, so till then read, review and enjoy

Chapter 21

"I am sorry."

Daniel closed the doors to the summer house, sad to think that this might be the last time he would be here with Betty. The air was thick with the tension of things that had been saying and also left unsaid. Neither Daniel nor Betty said much as they got into the car and started the long journey homeward. Finally, after driving for 2 hours in silence, Betty couldn't take it any longer.

"Daniel?" She started.

There was no response.

"Daniel, please," Betty tried again. "You have to understand that I didn't mean to hurt you. I care about you. I do. And that's why I wanted to be honest with you and say that I just think this is going so fast."

Still, Daniel said nothing.

Betty was starting to get slightly annoyed by how childish she felt Daniel was acting.

"Fine, I guess this is what I get for being honest," She snapped.

Almost the minute the words had left her mouth, Betty regretted them. She sighed.

"I'm sorry, Daniel," She tried to apologize. At Daniel's ongoing silence, she continued helplessly,

"Listen, if you don't mind, I'd like to see Amanda before heading back to work. So maybe you can drop me off at the hospital and then I'll meet you at work. We'll talk later then."

"Sure, no problem," Daniel said finally.

"Is that all you're going to say to me?" Betty asked sadly.

"Betty, I think we both said what needs to be said."

"Ok," She said quietly.

Betty turned away from Daniel to look out the window. She caught sight of her reflection in the side-view mirror. She was shedding silent tears.

Daniel didn't know what to say to Betty. He felt like a fool for thinking that Betty would feel the same for him that he desperately felt for her. But who was he kidding anyway? He was a playboy and a screw-up. He wasn't worth it, wasn't worthy of her. That is why Daniel didn't have the strength to look at her or speak to her. If he did, he was afraid he would break down.

Betty didn't know what else to say to make Daniel feel better and resigned herself to the tense silence that had settled around them like a thick cloud. For the remaining 5 hour journey, Betty pretended to sleep, and Daniel kept his eyes fixed on the road. Neither of them had ever felt more miserable.

Finally, they re-entered the city. Daniel drove to the hospital, as Betty had requested. He parked and then wordlessly got out of the car to help her with her bags. When there was nothing left to busy themselves with, they stood there dejectedly, not quite meeting each other's gaze.

"I'm sorry, Daniel," Betty didn't know what else to say.

Daniel looked up at her briefly before returning his gaze to an invisible spot on the pavement.

"I'm sorry to Betty," Daniel replied softly.

Then without thinking, Daniel leaned in and kissed Betty on the cheek. As soon he'd done it, he bolted, rushing back into his car without so much as a goodbye and sped away. Betty stood there in tears and watched him drive off into the distance.

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