"Fault and Blame"

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Detty Bold and Beauty Chapter 13: fault and blame, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction

Detty Bold and Beauty

Detty fans, a new chapter just in time for the new eppy, which I am excited about to see an excellent detty moment. I hope you like the episode. Keep reviewing and enjoying it!

Chapter 12

"Fault and Blame"

Betty looked at Daniel carefully, curious as to why he would say such a thing.

"Daniel, what did he do to your sister?"

Daniel sat down on the stone bench and sighed.

"It's a long story, Betty."

"I've got all night," She walked over to sit beside him.

Daniel took a deep breath. She was going to find out sooner or later anyway, right?

"Alright," he started, letting out another deep breath,

"Well, my sister Alexis, a few months ago she was editor-in-chief of MODE. My dad didn't think I was eligible for the job because of my "playboy" status. Anyway, Alexis had been swamped with work, so she wanted a night out to have some fun. When I told her I was going to this club, ACE of Spades, with my friend Becks, she asked to tag along. We went to the club; Becks was soon drunk and high, and I wasn't far behind him. After about an hour, I lost sight of Alexis. Five hours later, it was about 3 am. And even though I was stoned, I remembered she had a meeting around 9 am, so I figured we'd better start heading home. I went to look for her, but she'd disappeared. I asked around, but no-one knew where she was. Finally, I went to the VIP section. She didn't seem to be there either, but then all of a sudden I heard her calling for help. I followed her cries to a side door I hadn't noticed before, but when I tried to open it, it was locked. I yelled at her to open the door, but all I heard was her screaming, "no!" and "stop!" over and over again. I tried my damnedest to get the door open to get to her when the screaming stopped. Everything just went quiet. I heard the door being unlocked, so I grabbed the handle and opened it. "

Daniel swallowed hard over the lump in his throat, his eyes glassy with angry, unshed tears.

"I saw Becks getting dressed, and Alexis was on the floor near the bed, curled up in a little ball. It was..."

Daniel tried to finish, but the tears had started to come. Betty sat beside him with wide eyes, shocked by what had happened. She reached for Daniel's hand and held it comfortingly on her own.

"Daniel, I'm sorry. You don't have to finish."

Daniel took in a shaky breath but shook his head.

"No, I want to finish," He let out a long breath. "I got Alexis and took her to the hospital straight away. I called my parents, and then we called the police. Becks was arrested and convicted, but he only served five months. Five months, Betty, for what he did."

"Oh, Daniel, I am so sorry."

"Me too, I blame myself every day for what happened. It was my fault."

"What?!" Betty was alarmed. "Daniel, that is not true. It was not your fault. You did all you could to save your sister, to help her."

"Betty, you don't understand. It would never have happened if I hadn't taken her to that club. She would be fine. But she's not. She's at an institution in California still traumatized."

"No, Daniel," Betty said firmly, "the only person to blame here is Becks, not you."

"I know," Daniel sighed tiredly, the emotional strain of telling the sordid tale taking its toll. There was a long pause between them, not precisely awkward but not comfortable either.

"What were you doing with him anyway?" Daniel said suddenly, his expression becoming slightly fierce as it had been earlier.

"We were looking for Amanda," Betty replied

"Amanda?" he said curiously, "Why?"

"Well, I kind of hurt her feelings, and then she stormed out," Betty explained somewhat guiltily.

"Really?" Daniel sounded surprised, "Are you sure, Betty?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Why?" Betty returned his puzzled look with one of her own.

"Well, I ran into her right before I came out here, and she seemed fine to me. She even told me to find you here." Daniel said.

Betty frowned slightly.

"Why do I get the feeling that Amanda is up to something?"

"Me too," Daniel agreed, thinking back on his conversation with the blonde receptionist moments earlier, "And I think we should go and find out what."

"I don't know, Amanda is probably long gone by now," Betty said.

"Maybe, but it doesn't hurt to try. And if we can't find Amanda, then there's always Marc," Daniel reasoned.

"True," Betty conceded, "Alright, let's go then."

Betty and Daniel went back inside to the ballroom. Instead of Amanda, they found Marc. He was at the bar, apple martini in hand, while he flirted with the male bartender.

"Well, look what we have here," Marc sneered as he saw them approach, "The dancing king and queen, nice dance moves you two."

"Marc, enough; where is Amanda?" Betty said firmly.

"And why should I tell you, Ugly Betty," Marc hissed

"Because we need to talk to her," Daniel said.

"Well, sorry, Daniel, but you won't find her here," Marc replied.

"Where then?" Betty asked.

"I don't know," Marc shrugged carelessly, "Maybe her place or that guy's she left with."

"What guy?" Daniel snapped. He was getting tired of playing 20 questions.

"I don't know," Marc waved his hand, dismissively, "some Becks something or other."

Daniel and Betty looked at each other, knowing Amanda was heading for some serious trouble.

"Thanks, Marc, Betty lets go," Daniel already started to steer her away.

"Go where?"

"To Amanda's place, we have to save Amanda."

"Daniel, I don't think this is such a good idea."

"Betty, I don't care. I don't want you, Amanda, or any other woman to be anywhere near Becks. He's a rapist, and he needs to be stopped, and I'm the only person who can."

"Then why do you need me to go with you?" Betty asked.

"Because Betty," Daniel explained, "I need you to take care of Amanda while I kill Becks, once and for all."

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