Two weeks notice

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Detty Bold and Beauty Chapter 26: Time to change, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction

Detty Bold and Beauty

Detty fans here is a new chapter. Sorry, the last episode was shot, but this one will be longer, as it is Daniel's pov. Also, you'll find out why I titled this Bold and Beauty :) As always Read, Review and enjoy.

BTW Correction: "Two weeks notice," sorry instead of Alex, it was George ok. Sorry again.

It was close to 11:00 pm when Daniel arrived home after a long day of meetings, photoshoots, and press conferences for the release of the next issue. Daniel had to write a speech by the end of the week, and he didn't have the time or energy to write anything. Dropping his luggage on his bed, Daniel started to unpack and found the DVDs he'd rented in between his clothes. He'd forgotten to drop them off. Picking up the case for Two Weeks Notice, Daniel realized that he'd never gotten to see the ending. His luggage abandoned for the moment, Daniel moved to the living room, popping the DVD in the player. He went to scene selection and jumped to the scene where George starts reciting his speech for Lucy. Daniel began to feel as though he were reliving that moment with Betty when they watched the movie. As the statement ended, Daniel watched a broken-hearted George leaving Lucy to get back to work. But then Lucy started tearing up with a sudden change of heart and ran after him. It lifted Daniel's heart to see Lucy run into George's arms, and he could imagine Betty doing the same to him. Daniel watched George and Lucy share their happily ever after a kiss and then stopped the movie. He had an idea, something that could not only achieve his dream, but maybe Betty's all at the same time. Daniel jumped up suddenly, in search of a pen and paper to work on not only his speech but an idea that could launch him in a whole new direction.


Five Days Later:

With only two days to go until the press launch, Daniel burst into his father's office and threw his proposal down on Bradford's desk.

"What's this?" Bradford said, staring at the slim black folder.

"My idea."

"An idea for what?"

"For my magazine."

"You're creating your magazine?" Bradford said incredulously.

"Yes," Daniel said firmly.

"Well, son, I'm proud of you for taking the initiative, but you have another magazine to run," Bradford said, pushing his son's proposal aside.

" I know. That's why I'm resigning as Editor in Chief of Mode," Daniel told his father.

Bradford stood up from his chair.

"You can't do that."

"I just did," Daniel said firmly, looking his father right in the eye.

"Oh, I see," Bradford said, shaking his head as he made his way out from behind his desk, "This is about what happened with Betty, isn't it?"

Daniel sighed.

"Yes, some of it is about Betty, but it's more than that. This is what I want. I want to do my own thing, Dad. I'm starting this magazine with or without your help, but I would appreciate it if you took the time to look at it. And don't worry about the press launch, I have my speech ready and taken care of, and I won't mention this new magazine until I've gotten it off the ground. Hopefully, by that time, I can get Betty back to work alongside me."

Bradford sighed.

"My gosh, Daniel, I... Betty, she has changed you."

"Yes," Daniel said sincerely, "more than you'll ever know. And I will always love her for that, but you know what dad?"

"What?" Bradford said.

"You were right; I had to let her go. She deserves so much more than being my assistant, and she deserves to be editor in chief. I think she will do a far better job than me."

"Oh son," Bradford said, patting Daniel's shoulder.

"It's ok, Dad," Daniel said a little awkwardly, "Um listen, I know you've got work to do, but please, whenever you have time, take a look at my idea."

Bradford nodded his head in agreement.

"I will."

"Thanks, Dad."

Soon after Daniel left, Bradford stood there thinking as he looked at the proposal sitting on his desk. He picked up the folder and read the front page.

Bold and Beauty

The magazine that shows beauty is more than just skin deep.

After reading the front page, Bradford continued to look through the idea his son has for this magazine.

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