Personal invite

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Detty Bold and Beauty Chapter 17: Personal invite, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction

Detty Bold and Beauty

Chapter 16:

"Personal invite."

Daniel walked through the MODE offices playing with the keys his dad had given him to the summer house. His steps slowed as he saw Betty working hard at her desk. Not sure how to invite her without scaring her off, he took a deep breath and walked over to Betty anyway. As he stopped in front of her desk, Betty looked up curiously.

"So, how did it go with your father?" She asked.

"He wants us to go to the Hamptons together," Daniel blurted. It was easier just to say it.

"What??" Betty was utterly taken aback.

"My dad gave me the keys to our summer house in the Hamptons, and he wants me to invite you since we've both been working so hard," Daniel explained.

"Really," Betty said uncertainly, "well, I don't know Daniel. I don't think it's such a good idea."

Daniel frowned.

"Why not? I think it's a good idea."

"I'm not so sure," Betty was still skeptical. "When does he want us to go anyway?"

"This weekend," Daniel told her.

Betty sighed.

"That is such short notice. Daniel, I don't think I will be able to go," Betty remained adamant in her refusal.

"Come on," Daniel pleaded, "It's not as if we are going to have to share a room. It's a pretty big place; it has a beautiful sea view, and it's a great place just to relax and have fun. But if you have something else planned, I understand."

"No, I don't have any other plans. It's just such short notice, although the view does sound nice..."

Betty trailed off and bit down thoughtfully on her bottom lip. Daniel could tell that her resolve was weakening.

He smiled tentatively.

"Then what do you say?"


"Ok. So let me get this straight: you and Daniel, Hamptons, alone in a summer house."

Hilda raised her eyebrows archly.

"Yes, Hilda, I am going to the Hamptons with Daniel," Betty confirmed, ignoring the knowing look her sister was giving her. "Now will you please shut up and help me. I have no idea what to pack! " Betty wailed.

"Well, it looks like you have all the essentials," Hilda said, peering into the open suitcase resting on Betty's bed.

"Good," Betty nodded more calmly. "And Hilda, thank you for covering and telling Papa that I'm going to a business conference with Daniel. He would disown me if he found out where I was going."

"No problem is," Hilda looked over the contents in the suitcase once more; something was missing.

"You didn't pack a bikini," Hilda said, revealing the missing item.

Betty turned as white as a ghost.


"Well, yeah, Betty. Every girl needs to have a bikini with her if she's going to a place like the Hamptons," Hilda told her a little.

"Ok," Betty said slowly, some of the color returning to her face, "but you know that bikinis and I don't mix."

"Oh, Betty, don't worry. I think I have something just perfect for you," Hilda said reassuringly.

"Really? What?" Betty was curious.

Hilda winked conspiratorially.

"Follow me."

Betty followed Hilda to her room and watched as her sister opened her closet.

"I was going to give this to you on your birthday," Hilda said, reaching for a veiled hanger, "but I think now is a perfect time."

Hilda took the cover off the hanger to reveal a black bathing suit with yellow daisies and a black silk coat draped around it. Betty could tell it was just her size.

"Where did you get this?" Betty said, amazed. She moved to touch the suit.

"This was moms."

Betty immediately recoiled.

"Hilda, I can't."

"Yes, you can, and you will. Mom would want you to have it. Now take it." Hilda said firmly.

Betty took the bathing suit and pulled Hilda into a tight hug.

"Thank you," Betty whispered.

"You're welcome," Hilda smiled.

"Betty! Daniel is here."

Ignacio's calls from downstairs interrupted the moment. Betty broke their hug.

"Time to go."


Daniel was standing by the front door when the two sisters came down with Betty's bags.

"Betty, why so many bags?" Daniel asked curiously.

"Hey, she is a woman. What did you expect?" Hilda said with an angry toss of her head.

"Right...ok...well,'ll wait for you outside then Betty; give you a minute to say goodbye to your family," Daniel stuttered nervously.

"Thank you, Daniel," Betty smiled kindly.

Daniel went out on to the small front porch, but he still watched as Betty hugged her father, sister, and nephew goodbye. He couldn't help but think how fortunate Betty was to have a family like hers. He couldn't dwell on his thoughts much longer, though, because Betty had joined him outside. Daniel moved quickly to help her put her bags in his Aston Martin and then opened the door for her to get in.

"I hope it is ok that we're driving there," He said, settling into the driver's seat.

"Oh, it's fine. How long do you think it'll be?" Betty asked.

"Probably not more than three or four hours," Daniel said quickly.

Betty looked at her watch to see that it was 3 pm. Hopefully, they'd be at the house by 6 or 7 pm and just in time for dinner. However, soon four hours had passed, then five, and they still weren't there yet. Eventually, Betty fell asleep. From time to time, Daniel took a peek at her sleeping. She looked so cute, and Daniel hated the thought of having to wake her when they reached the house. He'd been driving for almost 7 hours so it couldn't be long now. It was close to 10:00 pm when Daniel pulled into the driveway. Quietly, Daniel got out of the car and went round to open Betty's door. He shook her shoulder gently, trying to wake her. Betty shifted in her sleep slightly but didn't stir. Instead, Daniel carefully gathered her sleeping form in his arms, with one arm wrapped around her shoulders and the other hooked under her knees. He carried Betty into the house and rested her carefully on the couch before heading to the linen closet to get some bedding. Armed with blankets and pillows for both of them, Daniel carefully placed a pillow under her head and put a blanket over her. Making her as comfortable as he could without waking her, Daniel slowly drew away from her. He stared at her, a soft smile on his lips, enjoying the quiet moment. He couldn't believe how beautiful and peaceful she looked lying there asleep. Daniel yawned; it had been a long drive, and he was slightly tired himself. But he hated leaving Betty in the living room alone. With a tired shrug, he grabbed the second set of bedding and simply settled down to sleep beside the couch on the floor.

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