"Well deserved Reward"

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Detty Bold and Beauty Chapter 16: Well deserved Reward, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction

Detty Bold and Beauty

Hey, Detty sry for the delay, and I will make it up to with two chapters, so read them, review them, and enjoy them.

Chapter 15:

"Well deserved Reward."

Daniel sat, waiting at the table. He was meeting his father at the fashionable restaurant Ivy, and Bradford Meade was yet to arrive. Daniel was growing worried, scared, and nervous about what this lunch would entail. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice Bradford sneaking up behind him and nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt a firm pat on his back.

"Well, good afternoon, son."

"Good afternoon, Dad. So what do you want?" Daniel blurted.

"Son, I'm starving. Let's eat first, then chat," Bradford suggested.

Daniel silently agreed. The father and son shared a quiet meal, each preoccupied with the T-bone steak and scalloped potatoes on their plate. This was followed by delicious apple pie for dessert. But Daniel couldn't savor the meal, and he was far too anxious about why Bradford had wanted to meet with him. They'd just ordered coffee when Bradford started.

"Thanks for meeting me here for lunch, son. Now, for a reason, I asked you here. I heard about what happened with that Amanda girl."

"How did you find out?" Daniel asked.

"Daniel, I am the CEO of Meade. I'm supposed to know these things, especially when the MODE insurance company calls me with a large hospital bill," Bradford said with just a hint of impatience.

"Dad, I can explain."

"There's no need for Daniel. It has been taken care of. And in any case, I should have told you that Becks was out on parole."

Daniel's eyes widened in surprise.

"You knew Becks was out, and you didn't tell me!" He yelled suddenly.

"Yes, I did, and I am sorry. But you had enough going on with MODE. I didn't want you to lose your focus," Bradford explained.

"Thanks, Dad. That makes it all better," He retorted sarcastically, "You do know that he tried to attack Amanda and came this close to hurting Betty," Daniel hissed.

"What? Daniel, I didn't know about Betty?" Bradford said, alarmed, "I'm trying to fix things. I am sorry about what happened with both Betty and Amanda, but I just want to say how proud I am of you, stepping up to the plate with MODE and becoming a better man. That is why your mother and I have decided to give you something. A token of how proud we are of you." Bradford took some keys out of his pocket and slid them across the table towards Daniel.

Daniel sighed.

"Dad, I already have two cars. I don't need another one."

"It's not the keys to a car, Daniel, but to a summer house, your mother and I bought in the Hamptons. We've been planning a weekend away there for some time, and your mother and I want you to take Betty and join us there this weekend. You both deserve a reward." Bradford said.

Daniel was stunned into silence for a moment. Gaining his father's approval was not something he'd ever thought would happen. And having his father encourage him, insist practically, that he brought his bubbly assistant with him for a weekend getaway was almost unfathomable.

"Dad, thank you. But I don't think Betty will want to go along with me to the Hamptons," Daniel told his father skeptically.

"I know. But just ask her. If she says no, she says no. But think about it. The two of you deserve to have some fun after working so hard. We could all do with the break," Bradford told his son sincerely.

"Thanks, Dad," Daniel smiled slightly, still not quite believing this was happening.

But his father was right. They deserved a break. And after all the drama with Becks, getting away from everything for a while, was just what they needed.

"I'll ask her," Daniel said finally.

"Good," Bradford nodded his approval, "Now we'd better start heading back. You've got a lot of work to do."

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