Bare witness

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Detty Bold and Beauty Chapter 18: Bare witness, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction

Detty Bold and Beauty

Hey Detty fans sry for the delay, I promise this will be a great chapter please keep reading, comment and enjoy

Chapter 17:

"Bear witness."

The sun beamed down on Daniel and Betty as they ran together along the beach. They were laughing and having the time of their lives. Then suddenly, they were in the ocean, playfully splashing each other with water. Daniel dove beneath the waves and swam under Betty, lifting her into his embrace. Betty held on to him tight, her body leaning into his muscular frame. He was moving his head closer towards her, their lips inches away until...

Betty woke up to find that she was on the couch in a fantastic house, but she was alone. Daniel was nowhere to be seen. Betty got up, noticing the bedcovers on the floor beside the couch, and wondered where he'd got to.

"Daniel?" She called out.

There was no answer.

Betty looked around the summer house, appreciatively. Huge white, glass doors revealed a stunning view of the ocean. Letting out a sigh, Betty called for Daniel again. And again, there was no answer. Maybe he was out getting breakfast. With that thought, Betty figured that now would be the perfect time to take a shower. From her suitcase, she dug out her towel and toiletry bag before beginning her search for the nearest bathroom.

What Betty didn't know was that the man in question was still in the shower, washing the shampoo out of his hair. Daniel had woken up before her, and seeing that she was still asleep, decided to take a shower before getting them some breakfast. With the water running, drowning out any outside sounds, Daniel was utterly oblivious to the fact that Betty was up and trying every door she came across in the hopes of finding the bathroom. She was not at all familiar with the house and so far had had no luck. With all the suds finally out of his hair, Daniel turned off the water in the shower and started to get out. He reached for his towel just as Betty reached the bathroom door. The door opened, but instead of the empty bathroom she'd expected, Betty was met with the sight of a very naked, very wet Daniel Meade drying his hair. Not expecting anyone to come barging in, instead of covering himself with his towel Daniel had proceeded to towel dry his hair.

Betty shrieked in surprise.


At the sound of Betty's voice, Daniel froze in the middle of rubbing his hair with the towel. He stole a glance at her to check that his mind wasn't playing tricks on him, but no, there she was looking at him stark naked. For a moment, they were both too stunned to move. Then Betty quickly turned away, and Daniel wrapped a towel around his waist.

"Betty, uh, I'm-"

"No, I'm sorry," She cut him off, "um, just let me know when you're done."

Betty darted quickly out of the room and shut the door. As soon as the door was closed, she collapsed against the wall, horribly embarrassed by the whole incident. However, a small part of her couldn't help but be impressed by how very well endowed Daniel Meade was.


"What did you see?!" Hilda screeched over the phone.

"Hilda, please don't make me repeat it, ok," Betty begged.

"Ok, but tell me. Is it big?" Hilda asked curiously.

"I don't know," Betty said awkwardly.

"Betty, I'm not asking for exact width and height. I'm asking how big it is," Hilda said impatiently.

Betty sighed.

"Well, I have to admit. Daniel is very well endowed."

"That big," Hilda said, amazed.

The bathroom door swung open abruptly, and a fully dressed Daniel walked out.

Betty quickly cut the phone conversation.

"Sorry, Hilda, he is out. I've gotta go."

"But Betty," Hilda started to protest, but she was already disconnected.

Betty had just shut off her cell when Daniel started speaking.

"The bathroom is free," he said.

"Thanks," Betty shifted uncomfortably, "Listen, Daniel, about earlier. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to barge in."

"Betty, it's ok," Daniel reassured her, "I'm the one who should apologize. I should have locked the door."

"Why didn't you?" Betty asked.

"Well, I thought you would be sleeping long enough for me to take a shower and get us some breakfast," Daniel explained.

"Oh. Well, that's very sweet of you," Betty said shyly.

Daniel smiled.

"Thanks. Now, why don't you take a shower while I get some breakfast? And afterward, I can show you around the house," Daniel suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," Betty replied, whatever awkwardness leftover from their bathroom encounter, melting away.

"Good. I'll have breakfast ready by the time you're out. Is there anything special you want?" Daniel asked.

"You know what," Betty said, remembering what she wanted, "I am craving McDonald's famous hotcakes."

"Ok, that sounds good. I haven't had a McDee's breakfast in a while," Daniel said.


Daniel nodded.

"Well, better dash. Enjoy your shower," Daniel called over his shoulder as he left to fetch them breakfast.


Betty was in the shower washing her hair, but her thoughts kept drifting back to how she'd walked in on Daniel. The shower door opened slowly. Strange, she hadn't heard anyone come in, and her eyes were still closed while she washed the shampoo out of her hair. Betty wiped her face with her hands and opened her eyes. Daniel was standing naked in front of her in the shower. Betty closed her eyes quickly, and when she opened them again, he was gone. Betty promptly got out of the shower, and a towel wrapped securely around her. She moved to wipe the fog off the bathroom mirror, and as she did so, naked Daniel appeared again in the reflective glass.

"I want you, Betty," he said.

Betty turned quickly, but no-one was standing behind her. She looked at herself in the mirror then.

"Betty Suarez, you are not attracted to Daniel Meade," She told herself firmly, "Your mind is playing tricks on you, now pull it together."

When Betty came out of the bathroom, she saw that the kitchen counter had been neatly laid for two. She smiled as she saw Daniel come inside with the morning paper. He smiled back at her.

"Breakfast is served."

It was a quiet meal, but not uncomfortably so. Daniel and Betty were both contents to eat their breakfast in companionable silence. Afterward, Daniel gave Betty a tour of the house. He showed her the two big bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms. He took her outside on to the deck, where there were a pool and jacuzzi. It was also on the bridge that one had the most beautiful view of the ocean.

"So that's the entire house," Daniel said, "what do you want to do now?"

Betty sighed.

"The practical choice would be to unpack. But for some reason, I am just not in the mood to do that," Betty admitted.

"Me either," Daniel agreed, "So what are you in the mood to do?"

"Well, the beach does look beautiful... how about a scope around the beach?"

Daniel smiled.

"Sounds great."

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