We need to talk

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Detty Bold and Beauty Chapter 24: We need to talk, an ugly betty fanfic | FanFiction

Detty Bold and Beauty

Chapter 23

"We need to talk."

Daniel was in his office, pacing back and forth. He had no idea how to tell Betty that she was fired. Truthfully, part of him was still trying to decide whether he should fire her or not. On the one hand, he felt that if Betty stayed, he would be happy and get to be with her. But that might ruin Betty's chances of achieving her dreams, and he would never forgive himself for holding Betty back. But it wasn't that easy to just let her go either. If he fired Betty, she would be able to reach her full potential, but Daniel feared that he wouldn't be a part of that picture, and he just couldn't imagine his life without Betty. Daniel was torn between what was right for him and what was right for Betty. Staring out the window at the fair city of New York, Daniel didn't notice Betty come in until he felt the touch of her hand on his shoulder. He turned to see her smiling up at him, then without saying a word, they leaned into each other and kissed each other passionately, not caring who saw them.

As the kiss ended, they broke apart. Daniel stroked Betty's hair and saw that her eyes were wet with tears.

"Betty, what's wrong?" He asked gently.

Betty laughed.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm sorry about what happened at the summer house."

"Betty, there is no need to apologize. I love you, and I'm just happy for you to know that."

"I love you too, Daniel," Betty said softly.

Daniel's eyes went wide.

"What?" He said, unable to keep the hope from his voice.

Betty smiled.

"You heard me."

"I know, I just want you to repeat it," Daniel admitted shyly.

"I love you, Daniel Meade," Betty replied.

"I love you too, Betty Suarez."

Betty put her arms around Daniel's neck and placed a soft kiss on his lips. As she pulled back, Daniel looked into her eyes and saw how happy she was. He knew what he had to do, and he hated it. Abruptly, Daniel pulled away from Betty's embrace.

"Daniel? What's wrong?" Betty asked, worried, "I thought you'd be happy. I told you I love you."

Daniel sighed, still facing his desk and not Betty.

"I am happy, Betty, I am."

"Then why can't you look at me?"

Daniel closed his eyes, wanting this to be a nightmare, and all he had to do was wake up. But it wasn't a nightmare, and he had to tell Betty.

"You're fired," He blurted out.

Betty wasn't sure she'd heard Daniel right.

"What did you say?" She said slowly.

"I said you're fired," Daniel repeated with much more calm than he felt, "Please be sure to have your desk cleaned out by the end of the day."

"You can't mean this, Daniel," Betty said, a hint of panic starting to creep into her voice.

"I do, Betty," Daniel said, fighting to hold back tears, "Now, please. If you know what's good for you, you'll leave."

"No," Betty said quietly.


"I'm not leaving until you tell me why you're doing this," Betty yelled stubbornly, "If you're firing me, I have a right to know why Daniel!!"

"You want to know?!" Daniel whirled around suddenly, and his voice had gone up several decibels.

"Yes!" Betty yelled back.

"Betty, you're a distraction."

"Distraction??" Betty said, confused, not sure what Daniel meant.

"Yes," Daniel continued, "a distraction. I'm firing you because if you stay here working for me, I won't be able to do my job. And..." Daniel stopped about to break down in tears.

"And what?" Betty pressed.

Daniel wanted to take it all back and tell her the truth; tell her that his father had told him to fire her, that his father had threatened him, and her future if he didn't. But if Betty knew the truth, that might make her stay, and he couldn't have that. No, it was better this way. And there was no turning back now as Daniel took a deep breath, fighting the tears as he continued.

"And I don't have time for distractions."


Betty's hand slap the side of Daniel's face. His cheek burned, and he was pretty sure he'd have a neat, Betty-sized handprint there.

"YOU BASTARD!" Betty yelled, "A distraction? Is that what you think I am? HOW DARE YOU! If you thought I was such a distraction, then why did you sleep with me? Why did you tell me you love me? And then when I finally work up the nerve to tell you how I feel, that I love you back, this is what I get! A pink slip?! Well, I'll save you the trouble of firing me because I QUIT! And not just this job but everything! Any idea you might have had of us having a happy ending is dead!"

Daniel was speechless; he didn't know what to say. But he knew that this was his fault, he'd made her hate him.

"I never want to see or hear from you again, do you understand?" Betty continued.

Daniel nodded numbly.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Betty."

"Me too," Betty said coldly, "Goodbye, Daniel Meade."

Then without another word, Betty stormed out of the office, leaving a heartbroken Daniel to watch her clean out her desk.

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